à la demande via l'adresse mail de la bibliothèque.
![]() Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Documentation |

Les peintures transposées du Louvre, données historiques, techniques et éthiques sur la transposition en France, de 1750 à nos jours / Frankline Barrès in Conservation restauration des biens culturels (CRBC), no.22(2004) (2004-12-01)
Le problème de l’apolitique de la conservation-restauration / Pierre Leveau in Conservation restauration des biens culturels (CRBC), no.29(2011) (2011-12-01)
Titre : Le problème de l’apolitique de la conservation-restauration : éthique et humeur Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Pierre Leveau, Auteur Année de publication : 2011 Article en page(s) : P. 5-26 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : Centre international d'études pour la conservation et la restauration des biens culturels (ICCROM)
Conseil international des musées ( ICOM )
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Aspect politique
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Coopération internationale -- Histoire
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Documentation
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Histoire et critique
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Pratique
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Services de documentationIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Fig.
in Conservation restauration des biens culturels (CRBC) > no.29(2011) (2011-12-01) . - P. 5-26[article] Le problème de l’apolitique de la conservation-restauration : éthique et humeur [texte imprimé] / Pierre Leveau, Auteur . - 2011 . - P. 5-26.
Langues : Français (fre)
in Conservation restauration des biens culturels (CRBC) > no.29(2011) (2011-12-01) . - P. 5-26
Catégories : Centre international d'études pour la conservation et la restauration des biens culturels (ICCROM)
Conseil international des musées ( ICOM )
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Aspect politique
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Coopération internationale -- Histoire
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Documentation
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Histoire et critique
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Pratique
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Services de documentationIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Fig. Le problème épistémologique de la conservation-restauration des biens culturels / Pierre Leveau in Conservation restauration des biens culturels (CRBC), no.28(2010) (2010-12-01)
Titre : Le problème épistémologique de la conservation-restauration des biens culturels : éthique et humeur Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Pierre Leveau, Auteur Année de publication : 2010 Article en page(s) : P. 9-28 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : Centre international d'études pour la conservation et la restauration des biens culturels (ICCROM)
Conseil international des musées ( ICOM )
Conservation et restauration -- 20e siècle -- Histoire et critique
Conservation et restauration -- Méthodologie
Conservation et restauration -- Politique publique -- France -- 21e siècle
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Documentation
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- France -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection
in Conservation restauration des biens culturels (CRBC) > no.28(2010) (2010-12-01) . - P. 9-28[article] Le problème épistémologique de la conservation-restauration des biens culturels : éthique et humeur [texte imprimé] / Pierre Leveau, Auteur . - 2010 . - P. 9-28.
Langues : Français (fre)
in Conservation restauration des biens culturels (CRBC) > no.28(2010) (2010-12-01) . - P. 9-28
Catégories : Centre international d'études pour la conservation et la restauration des biens culturels (ICCROM)
Conseil international des musées ( ICOM )
Conservation et restauration -- 20e siècle -- Histoire et critique
Conservation et restauration -- Méthodologie
Conservation et restauration -- Politique publique -- France -- 21e siècle
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Documentation
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- France -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Vol.20 no3(2005) - 2005-09-01 - Heritage Documentation (Bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter)
[n° ou bulletin]
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Titre : Vol.20 no3(2005) - 2005-09-01 - Heritage Documentation Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2005 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Documentation
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Gestion de l'information
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Inventaires
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Services de documentation
Patrimoine culturel -- Numérisation
Peinture et décoration murales -- Dunhuang (Chine) -- Grottes de Mogao -- Conservation et restauration
Sites historiques -- Iraq -- InventairesIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
Participants in the ICCROM-GCI 2005 advanced course in documentation, held in Rome. This four-week course for midcareer professionals and educators addressed the needs, methodology, and techniques for acquiring and using records, inventories, and information management tools for the conservation of cultural heritage. Photo: Alejandro Alva/Courtesy of ICCROM.
A Note from the Director
Documenting Our Past for the Future
Documentation, which can create a lasting record of heritage in the event that it is lost, is increasingly recognized as essential to conservation. How does documentation contribute to the conservation process, and what efforts are under way to increase its use?
People and Technology: A Discussion about Heritage Documentation
Alonzo Addison of the University of California, Berkeley, Paul Bryan of English Heritage, and Werner Schmid, a private conservator based in Rome, talk with Rand Eppich and Jeffrey Levin of the GCI.
Protecting Iraq's Sites and Monuments: Support for a Nation's Keepers of Cultural Heritage
Since 2004 the Getty Conservation Institute and the World Monuments Fund have been working together on an initiative to help rebuild the professional expertise and heritage infrastructure in Iraq.
From Silk Road to Digital Domain: Managing Information for a Wall Paintings Conservation Project
A wall paintings conservation project of the Getty Conservation Institute and the Dunhuang Academy in China provides insight into the complexity of information management, illustrating the challenges involved, as well as some solutions.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
MastheadEn ligne : [...] [n° ou bulletin]Vol.20 no3(2005) - 2005-09-01 - Heritage Documentation [texte imprimé] . - 2005.
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Documentation
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Gestion de l'information
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Inventaires
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Services de documentation
Patrimoine culturel -- Numérisation
Peinture et décoration murales -- Dunhuang (Chine) -- Grottes de Mogao -- Conservation et restauration
Sites historiques -- Iraq -- InventairesIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
Participants in the ICCROM-GCI 2005 advanced course in documentation, held in Rome. This four-week course for midcareer professionals and educators addressed the needs, methodology, and techniques for acquiring and using records, inventories, and information management tools for the conservation of cultural heritage. Photo: Alejandro Alva/Courtesy of ICCROM.
A Note from the Director
Documenting Our Past for the Future
Documentation, which can create a lasting record of heritage in the event that it is lost, is increasingly recognized as essential to conservation. How does documentation contribute to the conservation process, and what efforts are under way to increase its use?
People and Technology: A Discussion about Heritage Documentation
Alonzo Addison of the University of California, Berkeley, Paul Bryan of English Heritage, and Werner Schmid, a private conservator based in Rome, talk with Rand Eppich and Jeffrey Levin of the GCI.
Protecting Iraq's Sites and Monuments: Support for a Nation's Keepers of Cultural Heritage
Since 2004 the Getty Conservation Institute and the World Monuments Fund have been working together on an initiative to help rebuild the professional expertise and heritage infrastructure in Iraq.
From Silk Road to Digital Domain: Managing Information for a Wall Paintings Conservation Project
A wall paintings conservation project of the Getty Conservation Institute and the Dunhuang Academy in China provides insight into the complexity of information management, illustrating the challenges involved, as well as some solutions.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
MastheadEn ligne : [...] Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23358 GETTY Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt Vol.21 no2(2006) - 2006-05-01 - Conservation at the Getty (Bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter)
[n° ou bulletin]
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Titre : Vol.21 no2(2006) - 2006-05-01 - Conservation at the Getty Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2006 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Antiquités -- Conservation et restauration
Architecture -- Conservation et restauration
Archives -- Conservation et restauration
Arts décoratifs -- Conservation et restauration
Bas-reliefs -- Abomey (Bénin) -- Conservation et restauration
Documents audiovisuels -- Conservation et restauration
Gestion électronique de documents
Getty conservation institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Getty research institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
J. Paul Getty museum (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Maquettes (architecture) -- Conservation et restauration
Matériaux organiques -- Analyse
Musées -- Éclairage
Papier -- Conservation et restauration
Patrimoine culturel -- Chine -- Conservation et restauration
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Documentation
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Recherche
Patrimoine culturel -- Numérisation
Peinture -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture -- Nettoyage
Sculpture - Conservation et restaurationIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
A photograph of a conservator at work, circa 1930, from the William Suhr archive of the Research Library at the Getty Research Institute (GRI). Suhr was a conservator at the Detroit Institute of the Arts from 1927 to 1933, before moving to New York to become conservator to the Frick Collection (he also maintained a private practice and after World War II worked closely with dealers and other clients active in the art market). The Suhr archive, which includes photographs and treatment notes from a nearly sixty-year period (1920–1979), is one of a number of collections relevant to conservation that are housed among the extensive holdings of the Research Library at the GRI. Photo: Courtesy the Research Library, Getty Research Institute. © circa 1930, The Detroit Institute of the Arts.
A Note from the Director
An introduction to this special issue of Conservation, which explores conservation work conducted throughout the programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust.
The Getty Conservation Institute
The J. Paul Getty Museum
The Getty Research Institute
The Getty Foundation
Conservation Documentation in Digital Form: A Dialogue about the Issues
A report on an April 2006 meeting in New York, where representatives from over a dozen major museums in the United States and the United Kingdom gathered for an important discussion regarding conservation documentation.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
MastheadEn ligne : [...] [n° ou bulletin]Vol.21 no2(2006) - 2006-05-01 - Conservation at the Getty [texte imprimé] . - 2006.
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Antiquités -- Conservation et restauration
Architecture -- Conservation et restauration
Archives -- Conservation et restauration
Arts décoratifs -- Conservation et restauration
Bas-reliefs -- Abomey (Bénin) -- Conservation et restauration
Documents audiovisuels -- Conservation et restauration
Gestion électronique de documents
Getty conservation institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Getty research institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
J. Paul Getty museum (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Maquettes (architecture) -- Conservation et restauration
Matériaux organiques -- Analyse
Musées -- Éclairage
Papier -- Conservation et restauration
Patrimoine culturel -- Chine -- Conservation et restauration
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Documentation
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Recherche
Patrimoine culturel -- Numérisation
Peinture -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture -- Nettoyage
Sculpture - Conservation et restaurationIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
A photograph of a conservator at work, circa 1930, from the William Suhr archive of the Research Library at the Getty Research Institute (GRI). Suhr was a conservator at the Detroit Institute of the Arts from 1927 to 1933, before moving to New York to become conservator to the Frick Collection (he also maintained a private practice and after World War II worked closely with dealers and other clients active in the art market). The Suhr archive, which includes photographs and treatment notes from a nearly sixty-year period (1920–1979), is one of a number of collections relevant to conservation that are housed among the extensive holdings of the Research Library at the GRI. Photo: Courtesy the Research Library, Getty Research Institute. © circa 1930, The Detroit Institute of the Arts.
A Note from the Director
An introduction to this special issue of Conservation, which explores conservation work conducted throughout the programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust.
The Getty Conservation Institute
The J. Paul Getty Museum
The Getty Research Institute
The Getty Foundation
Conservation Documentation in Digital Form: A Dialogue about the Issues
A report on an April 2006 meeting in New York, where representatives from over a dozen major museums in the United States and the United Kingdom gathered for an important discussion regarding conservation documentation.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
MastheadEn ligne : [...] Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23356 GETTY Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt