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Vol.14 no2(1999) - 1999-05-01 - Treasures of Mogao (Bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter)
[n° ou bulletin]
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Titre : Vol.14 no2(1999) - 1999-05-01 - Treasures of Mogao Titre original : Treasures of Mogao Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 1999 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Architecture maya
Banques de données
Dunhuang (Chine) -- Grottes de Mogao
Getty conservation institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Manuscrits de Dunhuang
Peinture et décoration murales -- Dunhuang (Chine) -- Grottes de Mogao -- Conservation et restauration
Retables -- 16e siècle -- Santo Domingo Yanhuitlán (Mexique)
Traitement d'images -- Techniques numériquesIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
The nine-story landmark pagoda of the Mogao grottoes. The pagoda encloses Cave 96, which houses an enormous Tang dynasty Buddha, around 32 meters high. Photo: Neville Agnew.
Treasures of Mogao: The Desert Gateway to China
Just one hundred years ago, at the ancient Buddhist cave temples of Mogao in the remote desert of northwest China, a Daoist monk named Wang Yuanlu made an astonishing discovery—a hidden library in Cave 17, sealed off in the 11th century. Since that discovery, the Mogao grottoes have become a mecca for scholars and tourists from around the world. For the last decade, the Getty Conservation Institute has been working in a variety of ways with the Dunhuang Academy at Mogao to preserve this extraordinary World Heritage site, whose art documents a thousand years of Chinese history.
Serving the Profession: A Conversation with Tim Whalen
The new director of the Getty Conservation Institute discusses the Institute's role within the mission of the Getty Trust and the ways in which the GCI will continue to serve the conservation field.
The Retablo of Yanhuitlán
In the small town of Yanhuitlán, Oaxaca, can be found one of Mexico's finest examples of colonial art—the main retablo, or altarpiece, of the Church of Santo Domingo. For several years, the GCI has been engaged in a project to conserve the retablo, in collaboration with the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia and the community of Yanhuitlán. Extensive documentation of the retablo is completed, and the project team is now grappling with determining the best way to structurally stabilize this work of art, which is located in a region of frequent seismic activity.
Harnessing Digital Technology for Conservation Documentation
The center of the GCI's computer documentation work is its digital lab, housing imaging equipment and computers. Created over three years ago by the Institute's Conservation group to promote digital documentation, the lab has objectives that include support for documentation in field campaigns, training, and research. While integration of digital tools into the conservation documentation process is in its early stages, it holds the promise of vastly increasing the body of information easily available to conservation teams in the field and in the lab.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, courses, publications, and staff.
The GCI Newsletter Staff BoxEn ligne : [...] [n° ou bulletin]Vol.14 no2(1999) - 1999-05-01 - Treasures of Mogao = Treasures of Mogao [texte imprimé] . - 1999.
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Architecture maya
Banques de données
Dunhuang (Chine) -- Grottes de Mogao
Getty conservation institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Manuscrits de Dunhuang
Peinture et décoration murales -- Dunhuang (Chine) -- Grottes de Mogao -- Conservation et restauration
Retables -- 16e siècle -- Santo Domingo Yanhuitlán (Mexique)
Traitement d'images -- Techniques numériquesIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
The nine-story landmark pagoda of the Mogao grottoes. The pagoda encloses Cave 96, which houses an enormous Tang dynasty Buddha, around 32 meters high. Photo: Neville Agnew.
Treasures of Mogao: The Desert Gateway to China
Just one hundred years ago, at the ancient Buddhist cave temples of Mogao in the remote desert of northwest China, a Daoist monk named Wang Yuanlu made an astonishing discovery—a hidden library in Cave 17, sealed off in the 11th century. Since that discovery, the Mogao grottoes have become a mecca for scholars and tourists from around the world. For the last decade, the Getty Conservation Institute has been working in a variety of ways with the Dunhuang Academy at Mogao to preserve this extraordinary World Heritage site, whose art documents a thousand years of Chinese history.
Serving the Profession: A Conversation with Tim Whalen
The new director of the Getty Conservation Institute discusses the Institute's role within the mission of the Getty Trust and the ways in which the GCI will continue to serve the conservation field.
The Retablo of Yanhuitlán
In the small town of Yanhuitlán, Oaxaca, can be found one of Mexico's finest examples of colonial art—the main retablo, or altarpiece, of the Church of Santo Domingo. For several years, the GCI has been engaged in a project to conserve the retablo, in collaboration with the Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia and the community of Yanhuitlán. Extensive documentation of the retablo is completed, and the project team is now grappling with determining the best way to structurally stabilize this work of art, which is located in a region of frequent seismic activity.
Harnessing Digital Technology for Conservation Documentation
The center of the GCI's computer documentation work is its digital lab, housing imaging equipment and computers. Created over three years ago by the Institute's Conservation group to promote digital documentation, the lab has objectives that include support for documentation in field campaigns, training, and research. While integration of digital tools into the conservation documentation process is in its early stages, it holds the promise of vastly increasing the body of information easily available to conservation teams in the field and in the lab.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, courses, publications, and staff.
The GCI Newsletter Staff BoxEn ligne : [...] Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23377 GETTY Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt Vol.21 no2(2006) - 2006-05-01 - Conservation at the Getty (Bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter)
[n° ou bulletin]
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Titre : Vol.21 no2(2006) - 2006-05-01 - Conservation at the Getty Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2006 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Antiquités -- Conservation et restauration
Architecture -- Conservation et restauration
Archives -- Conservation et restauration
Arts décoratifs -- Conservation et restauration
Bas-reliefs -- Abomey (Bénin) -- Conservation et restauration
Documents audiovisuels -- Conservation et restauration
Gestion électronique de documents
Getty conservation institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Getty research institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
J. Paul Getty museum (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Maquettes (architecture) -- Conservation et restauration
Matériaux organiques -- Analyse
Musées -- Éclairage
Papier -- Conservation et restauration
Patrimoine culturel -- Chine -- Conservation et restauration
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Documentation
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Recherche
Patrimoine culturel -- Numérisation
Peinture -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture -- Nettoyage
Sculpture - Conservation et restaurationIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
A photograph of a conservator at work, circa 1930, from the William Suhr archive of the Research Library at the Getty Research Institute (GRI). Suhr was a conservator at the Detroit Institute of the Arts from 1927 to 1933, before moving to New York to become conservator to the Frick Collection (he also maintained a private practice and after World War II worked closely with dealers and other clients active in the art market). The Suhr archive, which includes photographs and treatment notes from a nearly sixty-year period (1920–1979), is one of a number of collections relevant to conservation that are housed among the extensive holdings of the Research Library at the GRI. Photo: Courtesy the Research Library, Getty Research Institute. © circa 1930, The Detroit Institute of the Arts.
A Note from the Director
An introduction to this special issue of Conservation, which explores conservation work conducted throughout the programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust.
The Getty Conservation Institute
The J. Paul Getty Museum
The Getty Research Institute
The Getty Foundation
Conservation Documentation in Digital Form: A Dialogue about the Issues
A report on an April 2006 meeting in New York, where representatives from over a dozen major museums in the United States and the United Kingdom gathered for an important discussion regarding conservation documentation.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
MastheadEn ligne : [...] [n° ou bulletin]Vol.21 no2(2006) - 2006-05-01 - Conservation at the Getty [texte imprimé] . - 2006.
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Antiquités -- Conservation et restauration
Architecture -- Conservation et restauration
Archives -- Conservation et restauration
Arts décoratifs -- Conservation et restauration
Bas-reliefs -- Abomey (Bénin) -- Conservation et restauration
Documents audiovisuels -- Conservation et restauration
Gestion électronique de documents
Getty conservation institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Getty research institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
J. Paul Getty museum (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Maquettes (architecture) -- Conservation et restauration
Matériaux organiques -- Analyse
Musées -- Éclairage
Papier -- Conservation et restauration
Patrimoine culturel -- Chine -- Conservation et restauration
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Documentation
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Recherche
Patrimoine culturel -- Numérisation
Peinture -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture -- Nettoyage
Sculpture - Conservation et restaurationIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
A photograph of a conservator at work, circa 1930, from the William Suhr archive of the Research Library at the Getty Research Institute (GRI). Suhr was a conservator at the Detroit Institute of the Arts from 1927 to 1933, before moving to New York to become conservator to the Frick Collection (he also maintained a private practice and after World War II worked closely with dealers and other clients active in the art market). The Suhr archive, which includes photographs and treatment notes from a nearly sixty-year period (1920–1979), is one of a number of collections relevant to conservation that are housed among the extensive holdings of the Research Library at the GRI. Photo: Courtesy the Research Library, Getty Research Institute. © circa 1930, The Detroit Institute of the Arts.
A Note from the Director
An introduction to this special issue of Conservation, which explores conservation work conducted throughout the programs of the J. Paul Getty Trust.
The Getty Conservation Institute
The J. Paul Getty Museum
The Getty Research Institute
The Getty Foundation
Conservation Documentation in Digital Form: A Dialogue about the Issues
A report on an April 2006 meeting in New York, where representatives from over a dozen major museums in the United States and the United Kingdom gathered for an important discussion regarding conservation documentation.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
MastheadEn ligne : [...] Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23356 GETTY Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt Vol.24 no1(2009) - 2009-03-01 (Bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter)
[n° ou bulletin]
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Titre : Vol.24 no1(2009) - 2009-03-01 Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2009 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement -- Asie du Sud-Est
Getty conservation institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Recherche
Peinture et décoration murales -- Dunhuang (Chine) -- Grottes de Mogao -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture sur panneau -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture-émulsion -- Conservation et restauration
Photographies -- Conservation et restauration -- PratiqueIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
Instructors and participants in a May 2008 site management workshop at Dougga, an ancient-Roman World Heritage site in Tunisia. The workshop was organized by the GCI and Tunisia's Institut National du Patrimoine. Photo: Christian De Brer, GCI.
A Note from the Director
Timothy P. Whalen
Conservation Education at the GCI: Past, Present, and Future
To serve the expanding learning needs of conservation, the GCI, in the early part of this decade, began laying the foundations for a department focused exclusively on education and training. Today the GCI Education department not only undertakes initiatives in areas where the Institute has expertise but also applies innovations in teaching to those initiatives.
Out in the Field: A Discussion about Education and GCI Field Projects
Neville Agnew, GCI senior principal project specialist; Francesca Piqué, former GCI project specialist; and Thomas Roby, GCI senior project specialist, talk with Kathleen Dardes, head of GCI Education, and Jeffrey Levin, editor of Conservation, The GCI Newsletter.
Advancing Photograph Conservation: A New Initiative in Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe
The GCI has partnered with the Academy of Fine Art and Design and the Slovak National Library in Slovakia to advance photograph conservation in the region through an education initiative. This multiyear effort includes providing theoretical and practical knowledge of photograph conservation through a series of summer schools and distance learning.
Sustaining Conservation Education in Southeast Asia
In 2008 twenty-five conservation professionals from Southeast Asia participated in a workshop organized by the GCI, the Lao PDR's Ministry of Information and Culture, the Lerici Foundation, and SEAMEP-SPAFA. Held at the World Heritage site of Vat Phou, the workshop focused on conservation of archaeological sites and was the inaugural event of the GCI'S Built Heritage in Southeast Asia Conservation Education and Training Initiative.
Cracked, Warped, and Cradled! Training in the Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings
To address the pressing training needs in the structural conservation of panel paintings, the Getty Museum, the Getty Foundation, and the GCI have embarked on a multiyear initiative that seeks to increase knowledge regarding conservation problems and solutions related to panel paintings, as well as to increase the number of expert conservators.
Out of the Box and Thinking: The GCI Conservation Guest Scholar Program
The GCI's Conservation Guest Scholar program is a rare opportunity in the conservation field for senior professionals to pursue research and innovative thinking. The program offers conservation professionals an opportunity to step away from their daily routines, providing them with the time and resources to research and write in their fields of expertise.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, and publications.En ligne : [n° ou bulletin]Vol.24 no1(2009) - 2009-03-01 [texte imprimé] . - 2009.
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement -- Asie du Sud-Est
Getty conservation institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Recherche
Peinture et décoration murales -- Dunhuang (Chine) -- Grottes de Mogao -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture sur panneau -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture-émulsion -- Conservation et restauration
Photographies -- Conservation et restauration -- PratiqueIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
Instructors and participants in a May 2008 site management workshop at Dougga, an ancient-Roman World Heritage site in Tunisia. The workshop was organized by the GCI and Tunisia's Institut National du Patrimoine. Photo: Christian De Brer, GCI.
A Note from the Director
Timothy P. Whalen
Conservation Education at the GCI: Past, Present, and Future
To serve the expanding learning needs of conservation, the GCI, in the early part of this decade, began laying the foundations for a department focused exclusively on education and training. Today the GCI Education department not only undertakes initiatives in areas where the Institute has expertise but also applies innovations in teaching to those initiatives.
Out in the Field: A Discussion about Education and GCI Field Projects
Neville Agnew, GCI senior principal project specialist; Francesca Piqué, former GCI project specialist; and Thomas Roby, GCI senior project specialist, talk with Kathleen Dardes, head of GCI Education, and Jeffrey Levin, editor of Conservation, The GCI Newsletter.
Advancing Photograph Conservation: A New Initiative in Central, Southern, and Eastern Europe
The GCI has partnered with the Academy of Fine Art and Design and the Slovak National Library in Slovakia to advance photograph conservation in the region through an education initiative. This multiyear effort includes providing theoretical and practical knowledge of photograph conservation through a series of summer schools and distance learning.
Sustaining Conservation Education in Southeast Asia
In 2008 twenty-five conservation professionals from Southeast Asia participated in a workshop organized by the GCI, the Lao PDR's Ministry of Information and Culture, the Lerici Foundation, and SEAMEP-SPAFA. Held at the World Heritage site of Vat Phou, the workshop focused on conservation of archaeological sites and was the inaugural event of the GCI'S Built Heritage in Southeast Asia Conservation Education and Training Initiative.
Cracked, Warped, and Cradled! Training in the Structural Conservation of Panel Paintings
To address the pressing training needs in the structural conservation of panel paintings, the Getty Museum, the Getty Foundation, and the GCI have embarked on a multiyear initiative that seeks to increase knowledge regarding conservation problems and solutions related to panel paintings, as well as to increase the number of expert conservators.
Out of the Box and Thinking: The GCI Conservation Guest Scholar Program
The GCI's Conservation Guest Scholar program is a rare opportunity in the conservation field for senior professionals to pursue research and innovative thinking. The program offers conservation professionals an opportunity to step away from their daily routines, providing them with the time and resources to research and write in their fields of expertise.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, and publications.En ligne : Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23470 GETTY Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt Vol.30 no2(2015:septembre) - 2015-09-01 - 30th Anniversary (Bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter)
[n° ou bulletin]
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Titre : Vol.30 no2(2015:septembre) - 2015-09-01 - 30th Anniversary Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2015 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Conservation et restauration -- Philosophie
Constructions en terre -- Conservation et retauration
Décoration architecturale -- Conservation et restauration
Films d'animation -- Conservation et restauration
Getty conservation institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Musées -- Gestion des collections
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Histoire et critique
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Pratique
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Recherche
Patrimoine culturel -- Détérioration -- Prévention
Sites archéologiques -- Conservation et restaurationIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Download PDF Version (6.8 MB, 32pp) (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
The Getty Conservation Institute’s Information Center at dusk. Photo: J. Paul Getty Trust.
By Timothy P. Whalen
A Reflection on the Work of the GCI and the Evolving Nature of Conservation Practice
By Jeanne Marie Teutonico
By James Druzik
By Martha Demas and Thomas Roby
Sustainable Stewardship of Collections
By Kathleen Dardes and Sarah Staniforth
Sustaining Heritage, Diversity, and the Environment
By Claudia Cancino and Erica Avrami
By Francesca Piqué and Leslie Rainer
By Tom Learner and Jim Coddington
A selection of GCI publications 1985–2015
Projects, events, and publications
Work with Disney ARL Continues
Managing Collection Environments Meeting
Bulla Regia Model Conservation Project
Staff Member Receives Rome Prize
Stone Course Concludes
Abstract Expressionism: Time, Intention, Conservation, and Meaning
Media in Transition Conference
Scholar Applications Now Being Accepted
2015–2016 Conservation Guest Scholars
Graduate Internship Program
2015–2016 Graduate Interns
Cave Temples of Dunhuang Exhibit
“Keep it Moving? Conserving Kinetic Art”
Laura Mora (1923–2015)
Cave Temples of Mogao at Dunhuang: Art and History on the Silk Road
Polychrome Sculpture: Meaning, Form, Conservation
En ligne : [n° ou bulletin]Vol.30 no2(2015:septembre) - 2015-09-01 - 30th Anniversary [texte imprimé] . - 2015.
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Conservation et restauration -- Philosophie
Constructions en terre -- Conservation et retauration
Décoration architecturale -- Conservation et restauration
Films d'animation -- Conservation et restauration
Getty conservation institute (Los Angeles, Calif.)
Musées -- Gestion des collections
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Histoire et critique
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Pratique
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Recherche
Patrimoine culturel -- Détérioration -- Prévention
Sites archéologiques -- Conservation et restaurationIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Download PDF Version (6.8 MB, 32pp) (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
The Getty Conservation Institute’s Information Center at dusk. Photo: J. Paul Getty Trust.
By Timothy P. Whalen
A Reflection on the Work of the GCI and the Evolving Nature of Conservation Practice
By Jeanne Marie Teutonico
By James Druzik
By Martha Demas and Thomas Roby
Sustainable Stewardship of Collections
By Kathleen Dardes and Sarah Staniforth
Sustaining Heritage, Diversity, and the Environment
By Claudia Cancino and Erica Avrami
By Francesca Piqué and Leslie Rainer
By Tom Learner and Jim Coddington
A selection of GCI publications 1985–2015
Projects, events, and publications
Work with Disney ARL Continues
Managing Collection Environments Meeting
Bulla Regia Model Conservation Project
Staff Member Receives Rome Prize
Stone Course Concludes
Abstract Expressionism: Time, Intention, Conservation, and Meaning
Media in Transition Conference
Scholar Applications Now Being Accepted
2015–2016 Conservation Guest Scholars
Graduate Internship Program
2015–2016 Graduate Interns
Cave Temples of Dunhuang Exhibit
“Keep it Moving? Conserving Kinetic Art”
Laura Mora (1923–2015)
Cave Temples of Mogao at Dunhuang: Art and History on the Silk Road
Polychrome Sculpture: Meaning, Form, Conservation
En ligne : Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23484 GETTY Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt