à la demande via l'adresse mail de la bibliothèque.

[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 03.18 - 2018-03-12 Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2018 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Aliments -- Conditionnement
Arts graphiques -- 21e siècle
Arts graphiques -- Mise en page et typographie
Arts graphiques -- Tokyo (Japon)
Ornements typographiques
Produits cosmétiques -- Conditionnement
Reliure -- Dorure -- 21e siècle
Sculpture en papier
Typographie - Design
Typographie -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Résumé :
This issue really pulls out all the stops! A wrap-around cover resplendent in all the colours of the rainbow, fine gold paper and relief varnishing – no point in choosing gold unless you really go for it!
Gold is not as easy a choice as you might think, however. It can quickly look over the top, which is why many designers only use it sparingly. But who wants to be modest and sensible all the time? In this issue of novum we thought we´d really push the boat out and go all out for gold. It fills the novum+ section and the cover, too, is a gilded delight. A brand new print and finishing technique inspired the designers at Paperlux to this cover. And we think you’ll agree, the results are amazing. Sophisticated printing technology combined with good design – that is real luxury!
novum 03.18 is also available as PDF for only 8,99 Euro
To buy the printed issue, please visit our ShopNote de contenu :
The Midas touch
If you want to make an impression, then you´ve really got to go for it. No half measures. When everybody else is dressed up to the nines, then you don´t want to be the one in jeans and T-shirt. Choosing gold as the theme for this month´s novum+ section was at the same time an obligation – to really shine. With features about great projects and also with the cover – that, too, had to be gold. Not just a little, but a lot!
The creatives at Paperlux were certainly on board with this idea. These Hamburg-based designers pulled off a coup for us once before with the 11/11 novum cover, which you could fold in three dimensions. This time, it as a new technique that inspired this latest cover.
The cover
At the end of 2017 Scodix rolled out its new digital print enhancement press. This enables spot varnishing, unusually high relief varnishes and foil finishes. You can see what´s possible on the new novum cover: It shimmers in all the colours of the rainbow and is a delight to touch. The special thing about this process is that it dispenses with the need for screens or printing plates, it can be printed direct from the computer. In this way you can save costs, proofs are cheaper and designers have more scope. It´s even possible to apply different finishes one after the other, to create brand new effects.
For the paper we chose Splendorlux Mirror Oro in 320 gsm from Fedrigoni. This cast coated board is well suited for a wide range of applications and has an attractive gold tone and a reflecting surface.
The foil used on the cover came from Kurz, a company that developed a new foil specially for use with the Scodix printing process. It is available in all the colours of the rainbow.
In the novum+ section, too, it´s all about gold. Used in the CD for a model agency gold adds sophistication, for a Japanese restaurant, freshness. It turns a six-pack of beer into a wild work of art and adds class to cannabis packaging. These and many other projects show just how diverse the applications are for the colour gold.
In the Showroom section, Düsseldorf agency KittoKatsu lives up to its name and Italian designer Monica Lovati shows us CIs with feeling. At Buenaventura from Granada, they love bright and bold, and know just how to blend cultural elements into their work. In Vorarlberg, too, the designers have a knack for fine design: Atelier Hanselwanter shows how to create fantastic design for small clients too. And, last but not least, we visit Ufomammoot in Berlin for our series on New Talents Berlin. These creatives use the latest technologies and test out the limits of the possible.
Gilt edging
We couldn´t resist and just had to do a gilt edge as well. So ten of the copies of novum 03.18 sport this sophisticated finish. They are randomly distributed among our subscribers and the newsagents, and if you are the lucky recipient of one of them, then you have hit lucky twice: Not only do you have a real collectors´ piece, you also get a free one-day ticket to our Creative Paper Conference 2018!
The content
Bibliothèque (GBR)
Happycentro (ITA)
Pavement (USA)
Brighhead Studio (RUS)
Knoed (USA)
Mind Design (GBR)
The Bakery (RUS)
Toolbox (CAN)
Paperlux (GER)
KittoKatsu (GER)
Monica Lovati (ITA)
Buenaventura (ESP)
Haselwanter Grafik_und Design (AUT)
Ufomammoot (GER)
Das Cover
Design: Paperlux (GER)
Papier: Splendorlux Mirror Oro, 320 g/qm Fedrigoni
Druck & Veredelung Cover: Mediadruckwerk
Folien: Kurz
Fotos: Tobias Holzmann
Goldschnitt: 10 Exemplare wurden zudem von der Firma Steinbrenner mit einem Goldschnitt versehen,
novum 03.18 GoldEn ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 03.18 - 2018-03-12 [texte imprimé] . - 2018.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Aliments -- Conditionnement
Arts graphiques -- 21e siècle
Arts graphiques -- Mise en page et typographie
Arts graphiques -- Tokyo (Japon)
Ornements typographiques
Produits cosmétiques -- Conditionnement
Reliure -- Dorure -- 21e siècle
Sculpture en papier
Typographie - Design
Typographie -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Résumé :
This issue really pulls out all the stops! A wrap-around cover resplendent in all the colours of the rainbow, fine gold paper and relief varnishing – no point in choosing gold unless you really go for it!
Gold is not as easy a choice as you might think, however. It can quickly look over the top, which is why many designers only use it sparingly. But who wants to be modest and sensible all the time? In this issue of novum we thought we´d really push the boat out and go all out for gold. It fills the novum+ section and the cover, too, is a gilded delight. A brand new print and finishing technique inspired the designers at Paperlux to this cover. And we think you’ll agree, the results are amazing. Sophisticated printing technology combined with good design – that is real luxury!
novum 03.18 is also available as PDF for only 8,99 Euro
To buy the printed issue, please visit our ShopNote de contenu :
The Midas touch
If you want to make an impression, then you´ve really got to go for it. No half measures. When everybody else is dressed up to the nines, then you don´t want to be the one in jeans and T-shirt. Choosing gold as the theme for this month´s novum+ section was at the same time an obligation – to really shine. With features about great projects and also with the cover – that, too, had to be gold. Not just a little, but a lot!
The creatives at Paperlux were certainly on board with this idea. These Hamburg-based designers pulled off a coup for us once before with the 11/11 novum cover, which you could fold in three dimensions. This time, it as a new technique that inspired this latest cover.
The cover
At the end of 2017 Scodix rolled out its new digital print enhancement press. This enables spot varnishing, unusually high relief varnishes and foil finishes. You can see what´s possible on the new novum cover: It shimmers in all the colours of the rainbow and is a delight to touch. The special thing about this process is that it dispenses with the need for screens or printing plates, it can be printed direct from the computer. In this way you can save costs, proofs are cheaper and designers have more scope. It´s even possible to apply different finishes one after the other, to create brand new effects.
For the paper we chose Splendorlux Mirror Oro in 320 gsm from Fedrigoni. This cast coated board is well suited for a wide range of applications and has an attractive gold tone and a reflecting surface.
The foil used on the cover came from Kurz, a company that developed a new foil specially for use with the Scodix printing process. It is available in all the colours of the rainbow.
In the novum+ section, too, it´s all about gold. Used in the CD for a model agency gold adds sophistication, for a Japanese restaurant, freshness. It turns a six-pack of beer into a wild work of art and adds class to cannabis packaging. These and many other projects show just how diverse the applications are for the colour gold.
In the Showroom section, Düsseldorf agency KittoKatsu lives up to its name and Italian designer Monica Lovati shows us CIs with feeling. At Buenaventura from Granada, they love bright and bold, and know just how to blend cultural elements into their work. In Vorarlberg, too, the designers have a knack for fine design: Atelier Hanselwanter shows how to create fantastic design for small clients too. And, last but not least, we visit Ufomammoot in Berlin for our series on New Talents Berlin. These creatives use the latest technologies and test out the limits of the possible.
Gilt edging
We couldn´t resist and just had to do a gilt edge as well. So ten of the copies of novum 03.18 sport this sophisticated finish. They are randomly distributed among our subscribers and the newsagents, and if you are the lucky recipient of one of them, then you have hit lucky twice: Not only do you have a real collectors´ piece, you also get a free one-day ticket to our Creative Paper Conference 2018!
The content
Bibliothèque (GBR)
Happycentro (ITA)
Pavement (USA)
Brighhead Studio (RUS)
Knoed (USA)
Mind Design (GBR)
The Bakery (RUS)
Toolbox (CAN)
Paperlux (GER)
KittoKatsu (GER)
Monica Lovati (ITA)
Buenaventura (ESP)
Haselwanter Grafik_und Design (AUT)
Ufomammoot (GER)
Das Cover
Design: Paperlux (GER)
Papier: Splendorlux Mirror Oro, 320 g/qm Fedrigoni
Druck & Veredelung Cover: Mediadruckwerk
Folien: Kurz
Fotos: Tobias Holzmann
Goldschnitt: 10 Exemplare wurden zudem von der Firma Steinbrenner mit einem Goldschnitt versehen,
novum 03.18 GoldEn ligne : Réservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 22322 Novum Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 11.18 - 2018-11-12 Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2018 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Arts graphiques
Livres -- Mise en page
Mise en page et typographie
Sculpture en papier
Travail du papier -- 21e siècle
Typographie - DesignIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Résumé :
Our November issue plays with perception: Is it embossed or some kind of optical illusion? A brand new way of dealing with hot foil stamping is the secret behind this visual trick – conjuring up a 3D impression for the eyes this respresents an exciting new addition to the print toolkit. And it´s a perfect introduction to our focus theme this month: creative paper!Note de contenu :
A trick of the eye
When the first samples of Trustseal SFX arrived in our editorial office we were immediately enthusiastic – the optical illusion of a 3D element is simply fascinating and it shows once more that we have by no means explored all the possibilities of print.
This is amply demonstrated in the world tour that we take you on in this issue focusing on »Creative Paper«: Intricate design work from the Czech Republic, elegance from France and a touch of the experimental from Brazil, as well as haptic support for a luxury brand from Austria and quality business papers from Taiwan! Laser-cutting, pop-up elements, fine papers and a cornucopia of print finishes, plus lot of creative sensitivity – all await discovery in this month’s novum. We also bring you an interview with print specialist Frank Denninghoff (Gräfe Druckveredelung), who reveals the latest trends and possibilities in finishing.
The Showroom section in novum 11.18 is also packed with interest: To start with there’s an interview with Peter Mussfeldt, who emigrated from Germany to Ecuador many years ago and is now regarded there as a pioneer of design. Then we look behind the scenes at the much talked about studio APFEL in London and, in conversation with the Spanish bureau Esiete, we learn that design agencies can have a very different philosophy. Another designer who very much does things his own way is Victor Balko – his editorial design projects were an immediate hit with us here at novum.
The cover
A few years ago Studio produced a cover for us that caused a real stir with its thermosensitive surface – an image of a sunbather turned red when the cover was exposed to UV light (novum 08.13). For the art work for this November’s cover, the team from Hamburg created a graphic-geometric solution to really do justice to and highlight the special hot foil technique and it’s 3D effect. Twopoints: »›Form is the body of colour – colour is the soul of form‹ – so wrote graphic designer and artist Karl Gerstner, who died last year. We owe a great debt of thanks to Gerstner. His approach to design problems has had a strong influence on us. For this cover of novum we captured the soul of autumn in a flexible visual system. The form system comes from investigations carried out for a book about the design of flexible visual systems that we are currently working on.«
Available in the colours gold and silver, you can do quite a lot with »Trustseal SFX«, the latest development from Kurz. But one or two key points must be observed. All of them are explained in this current issue of novum. As for the material – the choice is wide: As ever, for hot foil stamping smooth, coated papers are good, ones that support a sharp printed image.
In the range from Munken (available from: Papyrus) we came across Munken Pure (300 g/qm) in cream white, a variant with a natural surface that is neither extremely smooth nor extremely rough – it has a pleasant feel and the foil contrasts well with it. The whole series of these design papers is available in a wide range of grammages (from 80 to 400 g/qm), and in 1.13 to 1.3 volume. The product family encompasses Kristall, Polar, Lynx and Pure, in colours from brilliant white to high and natural white, as well as cream white – each in a smooth or rougher surface. For stiffer weights there are four papers in »rough« quality, with 1.4 volume and a distinctive surface feel.
Davilla (AUT)
Sion Hsu (TWN)
Aline HD (FRA)
Greco Design (BRA)
Porigami (CZE)
Trends in print finishing (Gräfe Druckveredelung)
Makerie Studio (GBR)
Peter Mussfeldt (ECU)
Victor Balko (GER)
Here Design (GBR)
Esiete (ESP)
Papier: Munken Pure, Cremeweiß, 300 g/qm von Papyrus
Offset-Druck: f&w
Heißfolie: Kurz
Heißfolienprägung: Gräfe Druckveredelung
Fotos: Tobias HolzmannEn ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 11.18 - 2018-11-12 [texte imprimé] . - 2018.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Arts graphiques
Livres -- Mise en page
Mise en page et typographie
Sculpture en papier
Travail du papier -- 21e siècle
Typographie - DesignIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Résumé :
Our November issue plays with perception: Is it embossed or some kind of optical illusion? A brand new way of dealing with hot foil stamping is the secret behind this visual trick – conjuring up a 3D impression for the eyes this respresents an exciting new addition to the print toolkit. And it´s a perfect introduction to our focus theme this month: creative paper!Note de contenu :
A trick of the eye
When the first samples of Trustseal SFX arrived in our editorial office we were immediately enthusiastic – the optical illusion of a 3D element is simply fascinating and it shows once more that we have by no means explored all the possibilities of print.
This is amply demonstrated in the world tour that we take you on in this issue focusing on »Creative Paper«: Intricate design work from the Czech Republic, elegance from France and a touch of the experimental from Brazil, as well as haptic support for a luxury brand from Austria and quality business papers from Taiwan! Laser-cutting, pop-up elements, fine papers and a cornucopia of print finishes, plus lot of creative sensitivity – all await discovery in this month’s novum. We also bring you an interview with print specialist Frank Denninghoff (Gräfe Druckveredelung), who reveals the latest trends and possibilities in finishing.
The Showroom section in novum 11.18 is also packed with interest: To start with there’s an interview with Peter Mussfeldt, who emigrated from Germany to Ecuador many years ago and is now regarded there as a pioneer of design. Then we look behind the scenes at the much talked about studio APFEL in London and, in conversation with the Spanish bureau Esiete, we learn that design agencies can have a very different philosophy. Another designer who very much does things his own way is Victor Balko – his editorial design projects were an immediate hit with us here at novum.
The cover
A few years ago Studio produced a cover for us that caused a real stir with its thermosensitive surface – an image of a sunbather turned red when the cover was exposed to UV light (novum 08.13). For the art work for this November’s cover, the team from Hamburg created a graphic-geometric solution to really do justice to and highlight the special hot foil technique and it’s 3D effect. Twopoints: »›Form is the body of colour – colour is the soul of form‹ – so wrote graphic designer and artist Karl Gerstner, who died last year. We owe a great debt of thanks to Gerstner. His approach to design problems has had a strong influence on us. For this cover of novum we captured the soul of autumn in a flexible visual system. The form system comes from investigations carried out for a book about the design of flexible visual systems that we are currently working on.«
Available in the colours gold and silver, you can do quite a lot with »Trustseal SFX«, the latest development from Kurz. But one or two key points must be observed. All of them are explained in this current issue of novum. As for the material – the choice is wide: As ever, for hot foil stamping smooth, coated papers are good, ones that support a sharp printed image.
In the range from Munken (available from: Papyrus) we came across Munken Pure (300 g/qm) in cream white, a variant with a natural surface that is neither extremely smooth nor extremely rough – it has a pleasant feel and the foil contrasts well with it. The whole series of these design papers is available in a wide range of grammages (from 80 to 400 g/qm), and in 1.13 to 1.3 volume. The product family encompasses Kristall, Polar, Lynx and Pure, in colours from brilliant white to high and natural white, as well as cream white – each in a smooth or rougher surface. For stiffer weights there are four papers in »rough« quality, with 1.4 volume and a distinctive surface feel.
Davilla (AUT)
Sion Hsu (TWN)
Aline HD (FRA)
Greco Design (BRA)
Porigami (CZE)
Trends in print finishing (Gräfe Druckveredelung)
Makerie Studio (GBR)
Peter Mussfeldt (ECU)
Victor Balko (GER)
Here Design (GBR)
Esiete (ESP)
Papier: Munken Pure, Cremeweiß, 300 g/qm von Papyrus
Offset-Druck: f&w
Heißfolie: Kurz
Heißfolienprägung: Gräfe Druckveredelung
Fotos: Tobias HolzmannEn ligne : Réservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 22858 Novum Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : no.177(2010:févr.) - 2010-02-01 Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2010 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : Arts graphiques -- Mexique -- 20e siècle
Graphistes -- 21e siècle
Haute autorité pour la diffusion des oeuvres et la protection des droits sur Internet (France)
Impression numérique
Nawrot, Karl (1976-....)
Sculpture en papierIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques En ligne : [n° ou bulletin] no.177(2010:févr.) - 2010-02-01 [texte imprimé] . - 2010.
Langues : Français (fre)Réservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 22256 Etapes Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible
Titre : Le papier Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Ernst Rottger, Auteur Editeur : Namur : Soleil Levant Année de publication : 1963 Collection : Le jeu qui crée num. 1 Importance : 95 p. Présentation : ill. en noir et blanc, couv. ill. en noir et blanc Format : 21 cm Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : Découpage (art)
Sculpture en papier
Travail du papierIndex. décimale : 745.54 Travail du papier Le papier [texte imprimé] / Ernst Rottger, Auteur . - Namur : Soleil Levant, 1963 . - 95 p. : ill. en noir et blanc, couv. ill. en noir et blanc ; 21 cm. - (Le jeu qui crée; 1) .
Langues : Français (fre)
Catégories : Découpage (art)
Sculpture en papier
Travail du papierIndex. décimale : 745.54 Travail du papier Réservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 02200 745.54 ROT Livre ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Sorti jusqu'au 21/06/2024
Titre : Sculpter en papier : De l'inspiration aux techniques de pliage Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Richard Sweeney (1984-....), Auteur ; Laurence Coutrot, Traducteur Editeur : Malakoff : Dunod Année de publication : 2016 Importance : 1 vol. (127 p.) Présentation : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. Format : 22 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-2-10-075478-6 Prix : 22 EUR Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Pliage
Sculpture en papier
Travail du papierIndex. décimale : 745.54 Travail du papier Résumé :
Cet ouvrage très illustré (et tout en couleurs) est consacré à l'art de la sculpture en papier, une application artistique des techniques de pliage du papier.
Dans une première partie, il présente le travail de son auteur, artiste aguerri : ses créations, ses sources d'inspiration (principalement la nature : les fleurs, les arbres, l'eau, le feu, les animaux… mais également l'architecture) ainsi que la façon dont il imagine (notamment à l'aide de croquis) et conçoit ses créations (photos prises dans son atelier).
Dans une seconde partie, l'ouvrage présente les formes de base de toute sculpture en papier (modulaire, en colonne, dynamique…).
Dans une troisième et dernière partie, il présente les techniques essentielles du pliage et guide le lecteur pas à pas dans la réalisation de ses propres pliages et sculptures, à travers schémas, photographies et nombreux conseils.
Un ouvrage destiné tout autant aux créateurs professionnels (artistes, designers, architectes) qu'aux passionnés de pliages en papier.Sculpter en papier : De l'inspiration aux techniques de pliage [texte imprimé] / Richard Sweeney (1984-....), Auteur ; Laurence Coutrot, Traducteur . - Malakoff : Dunod, 2016 . - 1 vol. (127 p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 22 cm.
ISBN : 978-2-10-075478-6 : 22 EUR
Langues : Français (fre) Langues originales : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Pliage
Sculpture en papier
Travail du papierIndex. décimale : 745.54 Travail du papier Résumé :
Cet ouvrage très illustré (et tout en couleurs) est consacré à l'art de la sculpture en papier, une application artistique des techniques de pliage du papier.
Dans une première partie, il présente le travail de son auteur, artiste aguerri : ses créations, ses sources d'inspiration (principalement la nature : les fleurs, les arbres, l'eau, le feu, les animaux… mais également l'architecture) ainsi que la façon dont il imagine (notamment à l'aide de croquis) et conçoit ses créations (photos prises dans son atelier).
Dans une seconde partie, l'ouvrage présente les formes de base de toute sculpture en papier (modulaire, en colonne, dynamique…).
Dans une troisième et dernière partie, il présente les techniques essentielles du pliage et guide le lecteur pas à pas dans la réalisation de ses propres pliages et sculptures, à travers schémas, photographies et nombreux conseils.
Un ouvrage destiné tout autant aux créateurs professionnels (artistes, designers, architectes) qu'aux passionnés de pliages en papier.Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 21235 745.54 SWE Livre ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt