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[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 01/2018 - 2018-05-01 - Spielen und Lernen = Playing and Learning Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2018 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Architecture et enfants
Architecture intérieure -- Enfants
Boîtes de nuit, dancings, etc. -- Aménagement
Chambres d'enfants
Cloîtres (galeries) -- Réfection -- Gand (Belgique)
Constructions scolaires -- Aménagement
Éducation spéciale -- Constructions
Enfants -- Services de santé -- Aménagement
Enfants handicapés sensoriels -- Aménagement
Jardins d'enfants
Meubles pour enfants -- Design -- 21e siècle
Pédagogie de Reggio Emilia -- Madrid (Espagne)Index. décimale : 747 Architecture d'intérieur Résumé : Whether they are hiding and playing games or learning, chatting and relaxing, children and young people love exploring new places and interpreting them according to their mood. They are masters in the appropriation of space and experts in their surroundings.
Berlin-based architecture firm Die Baupiloten works with this unfiltered knowledge. In an interview practice founder Susanne Hofmann explains how real-life architecture emerges from the discussion of atmospheric qualities and seemingly utopian wishful thinking and looks at what contributes to the success of participatory design processes.
Integration and identification are key concepts in day care centres and schools. In addition to creative opportunities for development, current pedagogical approaches concentrate on promoting greater autonomy and the acquisition of social skills. The influence of these trends on interior design is the focus of this issue dedicated to the theme of ‘Playing and Learning’.
We take a look at the memorable colour scheme of a special school in Ghent, we show how a meandering shelf structure becomes an integral part of a Madrid language school’s spatial design and we visit the play and learning environment of an Austrian kindergarten.Note de contenu : magazin reports
1 Editorial Peter Popp
4 Elektro-Club Blitz in München Blitz Electronic Music Club in Munich Roland Pawlitschko
8 Kinderarztpraxis in Wien Children‘s Medical Practice in Vienna Peter Popp
10 DETAIL Research:
Wirkt Human Centric Lighting? = Does Human Centric Lighting Work? Markus Canazei, Lisa-Marie Neier, Wilfried Pohl
12 DETAIL Online
fokus spielen und lernen = focus on playing and learning
16 Orte der Bildung und Begegnung = Places of Education and Encounter Bettina Rühm
projekte = projects
26 Sonderschule in Gent = Special School in Ghent evr architecten, Gent mit/with Callebaut Architecten, Drongen
32 Kindergarten in Absam Schenker Salvi Weber Architekten, Wien/Bern
38 Baukasten-Möbelsystem für eine Sprachschule in Madrid = Modular Furniture System for a Language School in Madrid Rica Studio, Madrid
42 Grundschule in Kopenhagen = Primary School in Copenhagen JJW, Frederiksberg
50 Erweiterung Arndt-Gymnasium in Berlin = Arndt Secondary School Extension in Berlin AFF Architeken, Berlin
praxis = practice
56 Partizipative Architektur: Form Follows Function = Participatory Design: Form Follows Function Peter Popp
produkte = products
64 Böden, Wände, Decken = Floors, Walls, Ceilings
68 Möbel und Einrichtung — Messeneuheiten = Furniture and Furnishings — Product News at Trade Fairs
74 Sanitärausstattung = Sanitary Accessories
76 Türen = Doors
77 Abbildungsnachweis, Impressum Copyright, imprintEn ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 01/2018 - 2018-05-01 - Spielen und Lernen = Playing and Learning [texte imprimé] . - 2018.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Architecture et enfants
Architecture intérieure -- Enfants
Boîtes de nuit, dancings, etc. -- Aménagement
Chambres d'enfants
Cloîtres (galeries) -- Réfection -- Gand (Belgique)
Constructions scolaires -- Aménagement
Éducation spéciale -- Constructions
Enfants -- Services de santé -- Aménagement
Enfants handicapés sensoriels -- Aménagement
Jardins d'enfants
Meubles pour enfants -- Design -- 21e siècle
Pédagogie de Reggio Emilia -- Madrid (Espagne)Index. décimale : 747 Architecture d'intérieur Résumé : Whether they are hiding and playing games or learning, chatting and relaxing, children and young people love exploring new places and interpreting them according to their mood. They are masters in the appropriation of space and experts in their surroundings.
Berlin-based architecture firm Die Baupiloten works with this unfiltered knowledge. In an interview practice founder Susanne Hofmann explains how real-life architecture emerges from the discussion of atmospheric qualities and seemingly utopian wishful thinking and looks at what contributes to the success of participatory design processes.
Integration and identification are key concepts in day care centres and schools. In addition to creative opportunities for development, current pedagogical approaches concentrate on promoting greater autonomy and the acquisition of social skills. The influence of these trends on interior design is the focus of this issue dedicated to the theme of ‘Playing and Learning’.
We take a look at the memorable colour scheme of a special school in Ghent, we show how a meandering shelf structure becomes an integral part of a Madrid language school’s spatial design and we visit the play and learning environment of an Austrian kindergarten.Note de contenu : magazin reports
1 Editorial Peter Popp
4 Elektro-Club Blitz in München Blitz Electronic Music Club in Munich Roland Pawlitschko
8 Kinderarztpraxis in Wien Children‘s Medical Practice in Vienna Peter Popp
10 DETAIL Research:
Wirkt Human Centric Lighting? = Does Human Centric Lighting Work? Markus Canazei, Lisa-Marie Neier, Wilfried Pohl
12 DETAIL Online
fokus spielen und lernen = focus on playing and learning
16 Orte der Bildung und Begegnung = Places of Education and Encounter Bettina Rühm
projekte = projects
26 Sonderschule in Gent = Special School in Ghent evr architecten, Gent mit/with Callebaut Architecten, Drongen
32 Kindergarten in Absam Schenker Salvi Weber Architekten, Wien/Bern
38 Baukasten-Möbelsystem für eine Sprachschule in Madrid = Modular Furniture System for a Language School in Madrid Rica Studio, Madrid
42 Grundschule in Kopenhagen = Primary School in Copenhagen JJW, Frederiksberg
50 Erweiterung Arndt-Gymnasium in Berlin = Arndt Secondary School Extension in Berlin AFF Architeken, Berlin
praxis = practice
56 Partizipative Architektur: Form Follows Function = Participatory Design: Form Follows Function Peter Popp
produkte = products
64 Böden, Wände, Decken = Floors, Walls, Ceilings
68 Möbel und Einrichtung — Messeneuheiten = Furniture and Furnishings — Product News at Trade Fairs
74 Sanitärausstattung = Sanitary Accessories
76 Türen = Doors
77 Abbildungsnachweis, Impressum Copyright, imprintEn ligne : Réservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 22392 Detail inside Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible 10.2022 - 2022-10-09 - Licht Innenraum = Lighting Interiors (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 10.2022 - 2022-10-09 - Licht Innenraum = Lighting Interiors Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2022 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Architecture -- Dessins et plans
Art de la lumière
Bureaux -- Aménagement -- Innsbruck (Autriche) -- 21e siècle
Bureaux -- Organisation -- 21e siècle
Construction -- Matériaux -- Aspect environnemental
Construction -- Matériaux -- Innovations technologiques
Construction en verre -- Suède -- 21e siècle
Constructions -- Extensions
Constructions en béton -- Stockholm (Suède) -- 21e siècle
Constructions en bois -- Innsbruck (Autriche) -- 21e siècle
Constructions scolaires -- Aménagement
Cucinella, Mario (1960-....)
Design interactif -- 21e siècle
Diodes électroluminescentes
Dômes -- Ljubljana (Slovénie) -- 21e siècle
Éclairage électrique
Éclairage intérieur
Éclairage naturel
Éclairage public -- Innovations technologiques -- 21e siècle
Églises -- Éclairage -- Calabre (Italie) -- 21e siècle
Lumière -- Effets physiologiques
Maurer, Ingo (1932 - ....) -- Influence
Musées (constructions) -- Stockholm (Suède) -- 21e siècle
Textiles et tissus -- Design -- Calabre (Italie) -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : In 1972, the year of the Olympic Games, this new headquarters for the car company BMW seemed radically futuristic. Today, the future of the workplace is being redefined by the concept of “New Work” – and Snøhetta shows what it can look like with their office building near Innsbruck. The sustainability concept it implements reflects the client’s philosophy and is tailored to its use. Our Interiors feature in this issue provides details: work activities are surrounded by a lush green environment in the energy- optimized timber building, and natural light is a constant indoor companion.
Our October issue is all about light and interiors. PPAG’s school in Vienna brings daylight into deep cluster spaces to foster daily well-being. At Leyton House in London, MacMahon Architecture drew inspiration from Mexican architecture and integrated two patios that direct natural light into the basement. Our Technology feature goes underground to the metro in Karlsruhe, where Ingo Maurer’s team made the electrical lines the central motif of their lighting concept. And architects Allmann Sattler Wappner transformed the tunnel- like platforms into bright cathedrals of light.En ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 10.2022 - 2022-10-09 - Licht Innenraum = Lighting Interiors [texte imprimé] . - 2022.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Architecture -- Dessins et plans
Art de la lumière
Bureaux -- Aménagement -- Innsbruck (Autriche) -- 21e siècle
Bureaux -- Organisation -- 21e siècle
Construction -- Matériaux -- Aspect environnemental
Construction -- Matériaux -- Innovations technologiques
Construction en verre -- Suède -- 21e siècle
Constructions -- Extensions
Constructions en béton -- Stockholm (Suède) -- 21e siècle
Constructions en bois -- Innsbruck (Autriche) -- 21e siècle
Constructions scolaires -- Aménagement
Cucinella, Mario (1960-....)
Design interactif -- 21e siècle
Diodes électroluminescentes
Dômes -- Ljubljana (Slovénie) -- 21e siècle
Éclairage électrique
Éclairage intérieur
Éclairage naturel
Éclairage public -- Innovations technologiques -- 21e siècle
Églises -- Éclairage -- Calabre (Italie) -- 21e siècle
Lumière -- Effets physiologiques
Maurer, Ingo (1932 - ....) -- Influence
Musées (constructions) -- Stockholm (Suède) -- 21e siècle
Textiles et tissus -- Design -- Calabre (Italie) -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : In 1972, the year of the Olympic Games, this new headquarters for the car company BMW seemed radically futuristic. Today, the future of the workplace is being redefined by the concept of “New Work” – and Snøhetta shows what it can look like with their office building near Innsbruck. The sustainability concept it implements reflects the client’s philosophy and is tailored to its use. Our Interiors feature in this issue provides details: work activities are surrounded by a lush green environment in the energy- optimized timber building, and natural light is a constant indoor companion.
Our October issue is all about light and interiors. PPAG’s school in Vienna brings daylight into deep cluster spaces to foster daily well-being. At Leyton House in London, MacMahon Architecture drew inspiration from Mexican architecture and integrated two patios that direct natural light into the basement. Our Technology feature goes underground to the metro in Karlsruhe, where Ingo Maurer’s team made the electrical lines the central motif of their lighting concept. And architects Allmann Sattler Wappner transformed the tunnel- like platforms into bright cathedrals of light.En ligne : Réservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 27517 DETAIL Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible La scénographie au profit d'un espace ouvert à l'imaginaire et de sensibilisation artistique pour la maternelle / Julie Mellemans
Titre : La scénographie au profit d'un espace ouvert à l'imaginaire et de sensibilisation artistique pour la maternelle : La scénographie, un outil pédagogique dans les écoles maternelles ? Type de document : texte manuscrit Auteurs : Julie Mellemans, Auteur ; Sylviane Pintus, Directeur de thèse Editeur : [S.l.] : [chez l'auteur] Année de publication : 2013 Importance : 84 f. Présentation : ill. en n. et b., couv. ill. Format : 30 cm Note générale : Mémoire (de deuxième master) -- Architecture d'intérieur -- ESA Saint-Luc Liège, 2013 Langues : Français (fre) Catégories : Constructions scolaires -- Aménagement
Imagination chez l'enfant
ScénographieLa scénographie au profit d'un espace ouvert à l'imaginaire et de sensibilisation artistique pour la maternelle : La scénographie, un outil pédagogique dans les écoles maternelles ? [texte manuscrit] / Julie Mellemans, Auteur ; Sylviane Pintus, Directeur de thèse . - [S.l.] : [chez l'auteur], 2013 . - 84 f. : ill. en n. et b., couv. ill. ; 30 cm.
Mémoire (de deuxième master) -- Architecture d'intérieur -- ESA Saint-Luc Liège, 2013
Langues : Français (fre)
Catégories : Constructions scolaires -- Aménagement
Imagination chez l'enfant
ScénographieExemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 18595 TFE AI 2013/1 MEL Mémoire ESA Saint-Luc Réserve Exclu du prêt