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Ouvrages de la bibliothèque en indexation 72

6.2024 - 2024-06-09 - Klima und Ressourcen (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 6.2024 - 2024-06-09 - Klima und Ressourcen Titre original : Climate and Resources Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2024 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Architecture durable -- Dessins et plans
Architecture et climat -- 21e siècle
Béton -- Innovations technologiques
Bureaux -- Aménagement -- 21e siècle
Constructions -- 21e siècle -- Aspect environnemental
Constructions circulaires
Constructions en bois -- Vosges (France) -- 21e siècle
Constructions scolaires (écoles primaires)
Extensions (architecture) -- 21e siècle -- Aspect environnemental
Murs végétalisés
Paris (France) -- Grand Palais
Reconversion (architecture) -- 21e siècle
Technologie douce -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : From the editorial of issue DETAIL 6.2024
Taking Strides Towards a Climate-Neutral Future
Sustainability encompasses various practices, all aimed at reducing carbon emissions. Adaptive reuse of buildings and minimizing embodied energy (grey energy) are crucial for achieving climate neutrality. Equally vital measures are the efficient use of resources and reducing operational energy consumption in buildings designed for long-term use: How is the building insulated? How are its rooms cooled?
In selecting projects for this issue, we considered which of the many decarbonization strategies to feature, given their diverse and sometimes conflicting directions. Can a standalone house on undeveloped land be eco-friendly? Can concrete buildings contribute positively to sustainability? Choosing to move beyond a restrictive mindset, we feature not only urban timber constructions and adaptive reuse with building extensions but also a concrete building and a vacation home in a field.
In our main section, you’ll find two apartment buildings in Barcelona and Eindhoven that employ low-tech solutions and circular construction. In Lot, France, a new school building by Dietrich Untertrifaller generates more energy than it consumes. And the BOB Campus in Wuppertal leverages a site-specific resource for sustainability: existing structures.
In our Technology feature, Claudia Siegele examines the carbon footprint of concrete. Meanwhile, the office building by Studio Sozia demonstrates the advantages of this mineral-based building material for long lifecycles and flexible-use spaces.
Numerous strategies can reduce a building’s environmental impact. With this June issue, we spotlight six diverse projects that are taking steps towards a climate- neutral future in very different ways.En ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 6.2024 - 2024-06-09 - Klima und Ressourcen = Climate and Resources [texte imprimé] . - 2024.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Architecture durable -- Dessins et plans
Architecture et climat -- 21e siècle
Béton -- Innovations technologiques
Bureaux -- Aménagement -- 21e siècle
Constructions -- 21e siècle -- Aspect environnemental
Constructions circulaires
Constructions en bois -- Vosges (France) -- 21e siècle
Constructions scolaires (écoles primaires)
Extensions (architecture) -- 21e siècle -- Aspect environnemental
Murs végétalisés
Paris (France) -- Grand Palais
Reconversion (architecture) -- 21e siècle
Technologie douce -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : From the editorial of issue DETAIL 6.2024
Taking Strides Towards a Climate-Neutral Future
Sustainability encompasses various practices, all aimed at reducing carbon emissions. Adaptive reuse of buildings and minimizing embodied energy (grey energy) are crucial for achieving climate neutrality. Equally vital measures are the efficient use of resources and reducing operational energy consumption in buildings designed for long-term use: How is the building insulated? How are its rooms cooled?
In selecting projects for this issue, we considered which of the many decarbonization strategies to feature, given their diverse and sometimes conflicting directions. Can a standalone house on undeveloped land be eco-friendly? Can concrete buildings contribute positively to sustainability? Choosing to move beyond a restrictive mindset, we feature not only urban timber constructions and adaptive reuse with building extensions but also a concrete building and a vacation home in a field.
In our main section, you’ll find two apartment buildings in Barcelona and Eindhoven that employ low-tech solutions and circular construction. In Lot, France, a new school building by Dietrich Untertrifaller generates more energy than it consumes. And the BOB Campus in Wuppertal leverages a site-specific resource for sustainability: existing structures.
In our Technology feature, Claudia Siegele examines the carbon footprint of concrete. Meanwhile, the office building by Studio Sozia demonstrates the advantages of this mineral-based building material for long lifecycles and flexible-use spaces.
Numerous strategies can reduce a building’s environmental impact. With this June issue, we spotlight six diverse projects that are taking steps towards a climate- neutral future in very different ways.En ligne : Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 28083 DETAIL Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible 7/8.2020 - 2020-07-09 - Architektur und Topografie = Architecture and Topography (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 7/8.2020 - 2020-07-09 - Architektur und Topografie = Architecture and Topography Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2020 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Architecture -- 21e siècle
Architecture -- Aspect environnemental
Architecture -- Dessins et plans
Architecture du paysage -- 21e siècle
Architecture du paysage -- Dessins et plans
Architecture littorale -- Chine -- 21e siècle
Musées (constructions) -- Chine -- 21e siècle
Vogt, Günther (1957-....)Index. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : Architektur und Topografie ergänzen sich oft zu einer Einheit. Dann fügen sich gebaute Raumstrukturen im Auge des Betrachters zu Landschaften oder topografischen Formationen. Gleichzeitig ist das Verständnis von Landschaft und Natur, das dem Begriff der Topografie innewohnt, Ergebnis unserer subjektiven Wahrnehmung und deshalb ein Konstrukt, genau wie die Architektur. Der Landschaftsarchitekt Günther Vogt geht bedacht mit diesem Zusammenhang um. Entsprechend hat er für seine Interventionen differenzierte Entwurfsinstrumente entwickelt, die Hubertus Adam in einem Porträt des Gestalters und Hochschullehrers beschreibt.
Außerdem stellen wir in unserer Juli-August-Ausgabe zu Architektur und Topografie ausgewählte Projekte in Norwegen und China, in der Schweiz und in Belgien vor, die in die umliegende Landschaft eingebettet und ein Teil von ihr sind. Unsere Redakteurin Barbara Zettel hat die aktuellen Beispiele zusammengestellt und auf unterschiedliche topografische Muster Wert gelegt. So versteckt sich das Kunstmuseum in der Bucht von Bohai in den Sanddünen am Gelben Meer, das Tanzhaus in Zürich wiederum greift die Terrassenstruktur am Ufer der Limmat auf, und das Kistefos-Museum nördlich von Oslo schlägt eine Brücke über den Fluss Randselva, die wie ein Capriccio in der Landschaft lesbar ist. Innen- und Außenraum gehen auch beim Wohnhaus von Okami Architects in der flämisch-wallonischen Grenzregion fließend ineinander über – eine geschützte Höhle, die in den Hang eingebettet und fast unsichtbar ist. Nach unserer Sommerausgabe werden wir im September urbane Wohnquartiere vorstellen.En ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 7/8.2020 - 2020-07-09 - Architektur und Topografie = Architecture and Topography [texte imprimé] . - 2020.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Architecture -- 21e siècle
Architecture -- Aspect environnemental
Architecture -- Dessins et plans
Architecture du paysage -- 21e siècle
Architecture du paysage -- Dessins et plans
Architecture littorale -- Chine -- 21e siècle
Musées (constructions) -- Chine -- 21e siècle
Vogt, Günther (1957-....)Index. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : Architektur und Topografie ergänzen sich oft zu einer Einheit. Dann fügen sich gebaute Raumstrukturen im Auge des Betrachters zu Landschaften oder topografischen Formationen. Gleichzeitig ist das Verständnis von Landschaft und Natur, das dem Begriff der Topografie innewohnt, Ergebnis unserer subjektiven Wahrnehmung und deshalb ein Konstrukt, genau wie die Architektur. Der Landschaftsarchitekt Günther Vogt geht bedacht mit diesem Zusammenhang um. Entsprechend hat er für seine Interventionen differenzierte Entwurfsinstrumente entwickelt, die Hubertus Adam in einem Porträt des Gestalters und Hochschullehrers beschreibt.
Außerdem stellen wir in unserer Juli-August-Ausgabe zu Architektur und Topografie ausgewählte Projekte in Norwegen und China, in der Schweiz und in Belgien vor, die in die umliegende Landschaft eingebettet und ein Teil von ihr sind. Unsere Redakteurin Barbara Zettel hat die aktuellen Beispiele zusammengestellt und auf unterschiedliche topografische Muster Wert gelegt. So versteckt sich das Kunstmuseum in der Bucht von Bohai in den Sanddünen am Gelben Meer, das Tanzhaus in Zürich wiederum greift die Terrassenstruktur am Ufer der Limmat auf, und das Kistefos-Museum nördlich von Oslo schlägt eine Brücke über den Fluss Randselva, die wie ein Capriccio in der Landschaft lesbar ist. Innen- und Außenraum gehen auch beim Wohnhaus von Okami Architects in der flämisch-wallonischen Grenzregion fließend ineinander über – eine geschützte Höhle, die in den Hang eingebettet und fast unsichtbar ist. Nach unserer Sommerausgabe werden wir im September urbane Wohnquartiere vorstellen.En ligne : Réservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 24726 DETAIL Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible 7/8.2021 - 2021-07-09 - Kleine Häuser (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 7/8.2021 - 2021-07-09 - Kleine Häuser Titre original : Small Houses Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2021 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Acoustique architecturale
Architecture -- Dessins et plans
Architecture de montagne
Architecture littorale -- Chili
Constructions en bois
Constructions en verre -- Courtrai (Belgique)
Éclairage intérieur
Petites constructions
Toits végétalisésIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : Small but Beautiful
Although most people dream of owning their own home, fewer and fewer can afford to do so. Last but not least, the question of conscience comes into play: Do single-family homes still make sense in times of land sealing, climate crisis, and serious mobility problems? A house of one’s own could be justified if it is devised for long-term use, with sustainable solutions and efficient use of space. But this is easier said than done, particularly for families with their evolving needs over the years.
In this July / August issue DETAIL magazine has documented sustainable small homes that are structurally simple yet offer a high standard of living, and most of them are easy to disassemble. With careful planning and minimal foundations, they nestle in nature or fill urban voids, while offering a maximum of indoor living qualities on a reduced footprint. Frank Kaltenbach compiled a selection of small houses from a residual lot in London to a building gap in Belgian Kortrijk. What unites them are their inventive solutions: rooftops become a second escape route, pivot windows extend living space into the outdoors, space-saving spiral staircases connect the floors, and stairs double as a support for the kitchen counter. On our product pages we present fitting solutions from manufacturers for interiors, acoustics, and lighting as well as building automation.Note de contenu : Magazin = Reports Studentenwohnheim Paris-Saclay = Student Housing in Paris-Saclay Klimastrategie in Kopenhagen = Climate Strategy in Copenhagen 60 Jahre Detail Eislaufzelt in München = 60 Years of Detail Ice Skating Rink in Munich research Wege zum Schwammquartier = Developing a Sponge District
Produkte = Products Ökodesign-Anforderungen an Lichtquellen = Ecodesign Requirements for Light Sources Beleuchtung, Gebäudeautomation = Lighting, Building Automation Innenausbau,Akustik = Interior Fittings, Acoustics
Essay Traumhaus oder Hasenstall? = Dream House or Rabbit Hutch? Roman Hollenstein
Dokumentation = Documentation Haus Rosa in Dornbirn (AT)= House Rosa in Dornbirn (AT)Studio Sebastian Brandner Slot House in London (GB)Sandy Rendel Architects mit with Sally Rendel Haus SO in Esslingen (DE)= House SOin Esslingen (DE)Finckh Architekten Kuhwiesenhanghaus in Kärnten(AT)= House on a Meadow in Carinthia (AT)morpho-logic Strandhäuser in Chile (CL))= Beach Houses in Chile (CL)Croxatto & Opazo Arquitectos Haus SSK in Kortrijk (BE)= House SSK in Kortrijk(BE)de baes architects, Sophie Van Noten Schwarzes Haus am Ammersee (DE)= Black House on Ammersee Lake (DE)Buero WagneEn ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : [n° ou bulletin] 7/8.2021 - 2021-07-09 - Kleine Häuser = Small Houses [texte imprimé] . - 2021.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Acoustique architecturale
Architecture -- Dessins et plans
Architecture de montagne
Architecture littorale -- Chili
Constructions en bois
Constructions en verre -- Courtrai (Belgique)
Éclairage intérieur
Petites constructions
Toits végétalisésIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : Small but Beautiful
Although most people dream of owning their own home, fewer and fewer can afford to do so. Last but not least, the question of conscience comes into play: Do single-family homes still make sense in times of land sealing, climate crisis, and serious mobility problems? A house of one’s own could be justified if it is devised for long-term use, with sustainable solutions and efficient use of space. But this is easier said than done, particularly for families with their evolving needs over the years.
In this July / August issue DETAIL magazine has documented sustainable small homes that are structurally simple yet offer a high standard of living, and most of them are easy to disassemble. With careful planning and minimal foundations, they nestle in nature or fill urban voids, while offering a maximum of indoor living qualities on a reduced footprint. Frank Kaltenbach compiled a selection of small houses from a residual lot in London to a building gap in Belgian Kortrijk. What unites them are their inventive solutions: rooftops become a second escape route, pivot windows extend living space into the outdoors, space-saving spiral staircases connect the floors, and stairs double as a support for the kitchen counter. On our product pages we present fitting solutions from manufacturers for interiors, acoustics, and lighting as well as building automation.Note de contenu : Magazin = Reports Studentenwohnheim Paris-Saclay = Student Housing in Paris-Saclay Klimastrategie in Kopenhagen = Climate Strategy in Copenhagen 60 Jahre Detail Eislaufzelt in München = 60 Years of Detail Ice Skating Rink in Munich research Wege zum Schwammquartier = Developing a Sponge District
Produkte = Products Ökodesign-Anforderungen an Lichtquellen = Ecodesign Requirements for Light Sources Beleuchtung, Gebäudeautomation = Lighting, Building Automation Innenausbau,Akustik = Interior Fittings, Acoustics
Essay Traumhaus oder Hasenstall? = Dream House or Rabbit Hutch? Roman Hollenstein
Dokumentation = Documentation Haus Rosa in Dornbirn (AT)= House Rosa in Dornbirn (AT)Studio Sebastian Brandner Slot House in London (GB)Sandy Rendel Architects mit with Sally Rendel Haus SO in Esslingen (DE)= House SOin Esslingen (DE)Finckh Architekten Kuhwiesenhanghaus in Kärnten(AT)= House on a Meadow in Carinthia (AT)morpho-logic Strandhäuser in Chile (CL))= Beach Houses in Chile (CL)Croxatto & Opazo Arquitectos Haus SSK in Kortrijk (BE)= House SSK in Kortrijk(BE)de baes architects, Sophie Van Noten Schwarzes Haus am Ammersee (DE)= Black House on Ammersee Lake (DE)Buero WagneEn ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 24235 DETAIL Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible 7/8.2022 - 2022-07-09 - Grüne Städte = Urban Green (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 7/8.2022 - 2022-07-09 - Grüne Städte = Urban Green Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2022 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Architecture durable -- Dessins et plans
Boeri, Stefano (1956-....)
Espaces verts
Murs végétalisés
Toits végétalisés
Urbanisme durable -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : The Tree, My Roommate
One of the most zealous custodians of Hundertwasser’s legacy today is the Milanese architect Stefano Boeri. In an in-depth interview in this issue of Detail, he speaks about his “vertical forests” and why he sees them as just one element in a diverse network of green spaces needed to support biodiversity.
Our selection of projects related to green cities shows the diverse forms that green buildings can take. In Leeds, Heatherwick Studio created a green oasis for patients with cancer in an otherwise dreary hospital environment. Sou Fujimoto’s hotel extension in Maebashi, Japan, is intended for a very different target group yet serves a similar function in the cityscape. In Osaka, Tomohiro Hata gave “tree tenants” plenty of space on the terraces of a single-family home. And in Eindhoven, Stefano Boeri and Inbo have proven you can create a habitat for trees, shrubs, and perennials with the limited budget of a social housing project. Meanwhile, MIA Design Studio and Atelier du Pont show how plants can enhance and bring calm work environments with their new office buildings in Ho Chi Minh City and Paris.En ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 7/8.2022 - 2022-07-09 - Grüne Städte = Urban Green [texte imprimé] . - 2022.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Architecture durable -- Dessins et plans
Boeri, Stefano (1956-....)
Espaces verts
Murs végétalisés
Toits végétalisés
Urbanisme durable -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : The Tree, My Roommate
One of the most zealous custodians of Hundertwasser’s legacy today is the Milanese architect Stefano Boeri. In an in-depth interview in this issue of Detail, he speaks about his “vertical forests” and why he sees them as just one element in a diverse network of green spaces needed to support biodiversity.
Our selection of projects related to green cities shows the diverse forms that green buildings can take. In Leeds, Heatherwick Studio created a green oasis for patients with cancer in an otherwise dreary hospital environment. Sou Fujimoto’s hotel extension in Maebashi, Japan, is intended for a very different target group yet serves a similar function in the cityscape. In Osaka, Tomohiro Hata gave “tree tenants” plenty of space on the terraces of a single-family home. And in Eindhoven, Stefano Boeri and Inbo have proven you can create a habitat for trees, shrubs, and perennials with the limited budget of a social housing project. Meanwhile, MIA Design Studio and Atelier du Pont show how plants can enhance and bring calm work environments with their new office buildings in Ho Chi Minh City and Paris.En ligne : Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 24398 DETAIL Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible 7/8.2023 - 2023-07-09 - Auf Kleiner Fläche (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 7/8.2023 - 2023-07-09 - Auf Kleiner Fläche Titre original : Saving Space Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2023 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Architecture -- 21e siècle -- Dessins et plans
Architecture intérieure -- 21e siècle
Architecture intérieure -- Aspect environnemental
Coworking -- Aménagement
Petits espaces (habitations) -- Conception et construction
Urbanisation -- Tableaux, graphiques, etc.
Utilisation du sol -- Recherche -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : For our summer issue, we looked at another kind of resource, namely land. In his essay, Andreas Müsseler takes a closer look at land consumption and summarizes examples and methods for combating it. For the documentaries, we have selected exciting projects that make do with little space and use it cleverly. This applies not only to a mini-house with a footprint of around 20 m2, but also to coworking spaces or the Holborn House community center in densely built-up London. In our Interiors section in this issue, we show complementary customized and recyclable interiors in existing buildings. En ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 7/8.2023 - 2023-07-09 - Auf Kleiner Fläche = Saving Space [texte imprimé] . - 2023.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Architecture -- 21e siècle -- Dessins et plans
Architecture intérieure -- 21e siècle
Architecture intérieure -- Aspect environnemental
Coworking -- Aménagement
Petits espaces (habitations) -- Conception et construction
Urbanisation -- Tableaux, graphiques, etc.
Utilisation du sol -- Recherche -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : For our summer issue, we looked at another kind of resource, namely land. In his essay, Andreas Müsseler takes a closer look at land consumption and summarizes examples and methods for combating it. For the documentaries, we have selected exciting projects that make do with little space and use it cleverly. This applies not only to a mini-house with a footprint of around 20 m2, but also to coworking spaces or the Holborn House community center in densely built-up London. In our Interiors section in this issue, we show complementary customized and recyclable interiors in existing buildings. En ligne : Réservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 27825 DETAIL Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible 7/8.2024 - 2024-07-09 - Bauen in den Bergen (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
Permalink9.2005 - 2005-09-01 - Stadien = Stadiums = Équipements sportifs (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
Permalink9.2020 - 2020-09-09 - Konzept = Concept : Wohnquartiere = Residential Areas (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
Permalink9.2021 - 2021-09-09 - Sportbauten (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
Permalink9.2022 - 2022-09-09 - Konzept : Kulturbauten = Concept : Cultural Buildings (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
Permalink9.2023 - 2023-09-09 - Konzept : Mischnutzung (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
Permalink9.2024 - 2024-09-09 - Konzept : New York (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
PermalinkPermalinkL'architecture en question in Connaissance des arts, n°385(1984 ; mars) (1984-03-01)
PermalinkL'architecture régénérée / Annie Jacques ; Jean-Pierre Mouilleseaux in Connaissance des arts, n°453(1989 ; novembre) (1989-11-01)