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10.2024 - 2024-10-09 - Gebäudehüllen (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 10.2024 - 2024-10-09 - Gebäudehüllen Titre original : Building Envelopes Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2024 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Architecture -- Dessins et plans
Bureaux (pièces) -- Aménagement -- 21e siècle
Construction -- Matériaux -- Aspect environnemental
Constructions en brique -- Espagne -- 21e siècle
Constructions pour expositions -- Kassel (Allemagne) -- 21e siècle
Façades -- 21e siècle
Intégration architecturale -- Paris (France) -- 21e siècle
Logement social -- Aspect environnemental -- France -- 21e siècle
Verre en décoration architecturale -- Innovations technologiquesIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : From the editorial of issue DETAIL 10.2024
Archaic Envelopes
Some cities are known for their colourful architecture. Paris, for example, is distinguished by its light, sandy tones, with facades of limestone or sandstone. Challenging this convention is a bold new project featured in this issue dedicated to building envelopes. The fivestorey townhouse by Déchelette Architecture in Boulogne-Billancourt, a suburb of Paris, blends seamlessly into the surrounding perimeter block development. However, its facade is composed of large blocks of rammed earth, with the earthy outer layer of the timber structure deliberately exposed. The effect is both archaic and innovative, yet quintessentially Parisian.
While many new residential buildings elsewhere are generic investor projects using cheap materials, the French capital continues to lead with experimental milestones in the use of natural building materials. Many of these innovative projects are social housing initiatives, such as the earthen building featured in this issue
The editors have selected this and other projects with standout facades, including brick and timber designs. In our Interiors section, we highlight two innovative office spaces realized within existing buildings.En ligne : [...] [n° ou bulletin] 10.2024 - 2024-10-09 - Gebäudehüllen = Building Envelopes [texte imprimé] . - 2024.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Architecture -- Dessins et plans
Bureaux (pièces) -- Aménagement -- 21e siècle
Construction -- Matériaux -- Aspect environnemental
Constructions en brique -- Espagne -- 21e siècle
Constructions pour expositions -- Kassel (Allemagne) -- 21e siècle
Façades -- 21e siècle
Intégration architecturale -- Paris (France) -- 21e siècle
Logement social -- Aspect environnemental -- France -- 21e siècle
Verre en décoration architecturale -- Innovations technologiquesIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : From the editorial of issue DETAIL 10.2024
Archaic Envelopes
Some cities are known for their colourful architecture. Paris, for example, is distinguished by its light, sandy tones, with facades of limestone or sandstone. Challenging this convention is a bold new project featured in this issue dedicated to building envelopes. The fivestorey townhouse by Déchelette Architecture in Boulogne-Billancourt, a suburb of Paris, blends seamlessly into the surrounding perimeter block development. However, its facade is composed of large blocks of rammed earth, with the earthy outer layer of the timber structure deliberately exposed. The effect is both archaic and innovative, yet quintessentially Parisian.
While many new residential buildings elsewhere are generic investor projects using cheap materials, the French capital continues to lead with experimental milestones in the use of natural building materials. Many of these innovative projects are social housing initiatives, such as the earthen building featured in this issue
The editors have selected this and other projects with standout facades, including brick and timber designs. In our Interiors section, we highlight two innovative office spaces realized within existing buildings.En ligne : [...] Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 28179 DETAIL Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible 11.2020 - 2020-11-09 - Einfach bauen = Building Simply (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 11.2020 - 2020-11-09 - Einfach bauen = Building Simply Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2020 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Architecture -- Conception assistée par ordinateur -- 21e siècle
Architecture -- Dessins et plans
Architecture postmoderne -- Histoire et critique
Construction -- Matériaux
Construction durable
Construction modulaire
Constructions -- Propriétés thermiques
Constructions provisoires -- 21e siècle
Constructions provisoires -- Barcelone (Espagne)
Conteneurs -- Aménagement -- Barcelone (Espagne)
Façades -- 21e siècle
Habitations -- Aspect environnemental
Habitations -- Économies d'énergie
Immeubles d'habitation en hauteur -- Allemagne
Monuments commémoratifs -- Allemagne -- 21e siècle
Museumsverband Sachsen-Anhalt
PolycarbonatesIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : Einfach bauen. Geht das überhaupt? Kann man in einer Kultur, die von Normen, einem Überangebot an Baustoffen und industriellen Fertigungsmethoden geprägt ist, noch einfach bauen? Konstruktion und Gebäudetechnik werden schließlich immer komplizierter. An der Technischen Universität in München erforscht ein Lehrstuhl das einfache Bauen. Das klingt zunächst absurd, wird in der Regel doch eher an komplexen Themen geforscht. Die Frage jedoch ist, wie die Prinzipien des einfachen Bauens aussehen können, ohne Komfort und Verhalten der Nutzer einzuschränken. Darüber haben wir auch in der Redaktion ausgiebig diskutiert und die Inhalte für dieses Heft entsprechend ausgesucht. Sofort waren wir uns über das Ferienhaus in Fanø der jungen dänischen Architekten Lenschow & Pihlmann einig, die einerseits einen klar gegliederten Grundriss entworfen haben und andererseits sämtliche Baumaterialien in ihrem Rohzustand zeigen. Bei der Gedenkstätte in Gardelegen von BHBVT mit ihren 72 cm dicken Wänden aus Leichtbeton überzeugten die einfachen Details. Allerdings braucht die monolithische Bauweise viel Material. Einen geringeren ökologischen Fußabdruck haben die temporären Wohnhäuser in Barcelona. Sie bestehen aus wiederverwendeten Schiffscontainern, die mit einer simplen Fassade aus Polycarbonatplatten veredelt sind. In seinem Technikbeitrag beschreibt Jakob Schoof, wie Häuser ohne Heizung auskommen und in der Rubrik Green Special stellen wir Großbritanniens größten sozialen Wohnungsbau im Passivhausstandard vor. Es ist nicht leicht, den Begriff Einfachheit in unserer Wohlstandsgesellschaft zu deuten. Vielleicht liefert dieses Heft ein paar Anregungen, sich dazu Gedanken zu machen. En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : [n° ou bulletin] 11.2020 - 2020-11-09 - Einfach bauen = Building Simply [texte imprimé] . - 2020.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Architecture -- Conception assistée par ordinateur -- 21e siècle
Architecture -- Dessins et plans
Architecture postmoderne -- Histoire et critique
Construction -- Matériaux
Construction durable
Construction modulaire
Constructions -- Propriétés thermiques
Constructions provisoires -- 21e siècle
Constructions provisoires -- Barcelone (Espagne)
Conteneurs -- Aménagement -- Barcelone (Espagne)
Façades -- 21e siècle
Habitations -- Aspect environnemental
Habitations -- Économies d'énergie
Immeubles d'habitation en hauteur -- Allemagne
Monuments commémoratifs -- Allemagne -- 21e siècle
Museumsverband Sachsen-Anhalt
PolycarbonatesIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : Einfach bauen. Geht das überhaupt? Kann man in einer Kultur, die von Normen, einem Überangebot an Baustoffen und industriellen Fertigungsmethoden geprägt ist, noch einfach bauen? Konstruktion und Gebäudetechnik werden schließlich immer komplizierter. An der Technischen Universität in München erforscht ein Lehrstuhl das einfache Bauen. Das klingt zunächst absurd, wird in der Regel doch eher an komplexen Themen geforscht. Die Frage jedoch ist, wie die Prinzipien des einfachen Bauens aussehen können, ohne Komfort und Verhalten der Nutzer einzuschränken. Darüber haben wir auch in der Redaktion ausgiebig diskutiert und die Inhalte für dieses Heft entsprechend ausgesucht. Sofort waren wir uns über das Ferienhaus in Fanø der jungen dänischen Architekten Lenschow & Pihlmann einig, die einerseits einen klar gegliederten Grundriss entworfen haben und andererseits sämtliche Baumaterialien in ihrem Rohzustand zeigen. Bei der Gedenkstätte in Gardelegen von BHBVT mit ihren 72 cm dicken Wänden aus Leichtbeton überzeugten die einfachen Details. Allerdings braucht die monolithische Bauweise viel Material. Einen geringeren ökologischen Fußabdruck haben die temporären Wohnhäuser in Barcelona. Sie bestehen aus wiederverwendeten Schiffscontainern, die mit einer simplen Fassade aus Polycarbonatplatten veredelt sind. In seinem Technikbeitrag beschreibt Jakob Schoof, wie Häuser ohne Heizung auskommen und in der Rubrik Green Special stellen wir Großbritanniens größten sozialen Wohnungsbau im Passivhausstandard vor. Es ist nicht leicht, den Begriff Einfachheit in unserer Wohlstandsgesellschaft zu deuten. Vielleicht liefert dieses Heft ein paar Anregungen, sich dazu Gedanken zu machen. En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : Réservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 24182 DETAIL Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible 11.2021 - 2021-11-09 - Digitale Prozesse (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 11.2021 - 2021-11-09 - Digitale Prozesse Titre original : Digital Processes Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2021 Importance : 1 vol. (144 p.) Présentation : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. Format : 30 cm Langues : Anglais (eng) Allemand (ger) Catégories : Architecture -- 21e siècle -- Dessins et plans
Architecture -- Aspect environnemental
Architecture -- Informatique
Modélisation des données du bâtimentIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Note de contenu : Magazin Reports
- Museum Kuppersmuhle in Duisburg similar and yet different pp. 8 - 11
- New Ikea building in Vienna : greener shopping in the city pp. 12 - 15
- 60 years detail : Commerzbank Tower in Frankfurt pp. 16 - 21
- Efficient reuse of construction materials pp. 22 - 25
- Detail Kongress. p. 26
- Detail product award : the nominees pp. 113 - 120
- Tools for digital design ans construction management pp. 122 - 125
- Digital Design, BIM pp. 126 - 133
- Green Building Products pp. 134 - 137
Digital Processes :
- Towards an informed architecture pp. 32 - 37
- Deichman Libraty in Oslo (NO) pp. 38 - 55
- Gare Maritime in Brussels (BE) pp. 56 - 71
- Vortex neir Lausanne (CH) pp. 72 - 85
- Urban Environment Helsinski (Fi) pp. 86 - 97
- Ile Wallentin House in Vienna (AT) pp. 98 - 103
[n° ou bulletin] 11.2021 - 2021-11-09 - Digitale Prozesse = Digital Processes [texte imprimé] . - 2021 . - 1 vol. (144 p.) : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 30 cm.
Langues : Anglais (eng) Allemand (ger)
Catégories : Architecture -- 21e siècle -- Dessins et plans
Architecture -- Aspect environnemental
Architecture -- Informatique
Modélisation des données du bâtimentIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Note de contenu : Magazin Reports
- Museum Kuppersmuhle in Duisburg similar and yet different pp. 8 - 11
- New Ikea building in Vienna : greener shopping in the city pp. 12 - 15
- 60 years detail : Commerzbank Tower in Frankfurt pp. 16 - 21
- Efficient reuse of construction materials pp. 22 - 25
- Detail Kongress. p. 26
- Detail product award : the nominees pp. 113 - 120
- Tools for digital design ans construction management pp. 122 - 125
- Digital Design, BIM pp. 126 - 133
- Green Building Products pp. 134 - 137
Digital Processes :
- Towards an informed architecture pp. 32 - 37
- Deichman Libraty in Oslo (NO) pp. 38 - 55
- Gare Maritime in Brussels (BE) pp. 56 - 71
- Vortex neir Lausanne (CH) pp. 72 - 85
- Urban Environment Helsinski (Fi) pp. 86 - 97
- Ile Wallentin House in Vienna (AT) pp. 98 - 103
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 25371 DETAIL Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible 11.2022 - 2022-11-09 - Kreislaufwirtschaft = Circular Economy (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 11.2022 - 2022-11-09 - Kreislaufwirtschaft = Circular Economy Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2022 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Architecture -- 21e siècle -- Dessins et plans
Architecture et climat -- 21e siècle
Construction -- Innovations technologiques
Construction -- Matériaux -- Recyclage
Construction durable
Construction en bois
Construction modulaire
Constructions -- Économies d'énergie
Constructions -- Reconversion
Constructions -- Réfection
Constructions flottantes -- Rotterdam (Pays-Bas)
Constructions scolaires -- 21e siècle -- Dessins et plans
Économie circulaire
Urbanisme durable -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Note de contenu : If the aim is net zero, demolition and landfill disposal must be avoided at all costs. Today, a progressive architecture is one that takes part in the circular economy and reuses building materials. This issue presents buildings designed with this in mind: Powerhouse Company’s Floating Office in Rotterdam can be moved as a whole or disassembled into reusable elements. In Basel, Baubüro In Situ mainly used recycled building components to refurbish and extend the Elys cultural and commercial building. In Amsterdam, Cepezed designed a temporary court-house whose dismantling and relocation were planned from the outset. Our special Green section rounds out this look at the circular economy by addressing buildings’ energy consumption. Enjoy the issue! Sandra Hofmeister En ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 11.2022 - 2022-11-09 - Kreislaufwirtschaft = Circular Economy [texte imprimé] . - 2022.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Architecture -- 21e siècle -- Dessins et plans
Architecture et climat -- 21e siècle
Construction -- Innovations technologiques
Construction -- Matériaux -- Recyclage
Construction durable
Construction en bois
Construction modulaire
Constructions -- Économies d'énergie
Constructions -- Reconversion
Constructions -- Réfection
Constructions flottantes -- Rotterdam (Pays-Bas)
Constructions scolaires -- 21e siècle -- Dessins et plans
Économie circulaire
Urbanisme durable -- 21e siècleIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Note de contenu : If the aim is net zero, demolition and landfill disposal must be avoided at all costs. Today, a progressive architecture is one that takes part in the circular economy and reuses building materials. This issue presents buildings designed with this in mind: Powerhouse Company’s Floating Office in Rotterdam can be moved as a whole or disassembled into reusable elements. In Basel, Baubüro In Situ mainly used recycled building components to refurbish and extend the Elys cultural and commercial building. In Amsterdam, Cepezed designed a temporary court-house whose dismantling and relocation were planned from the outset. Our special Green section rounds out this look at the circular economy by addressing buildings’ energy consumption. Enjoy the issue! Sandra Hofmeister En ligne : Réservation
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Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 27542 DETAIL Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible 11.2023 - 2023-11-09 - Naturbaustoffe (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 11.2023 - 2023-11-09 - Naturbaustoffe Titre original : Natural Building Materials Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2023 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Architecture -- 21e siècle -- Dessins et plans
Construction -- Matériaux -- Aspect environnemental
Construction -- Matériaux -- Innovations technologiques
Construction durable -- 21e siècle
Constructions -- Isolation acoustique
Constructions en argile
Constructions en ballots de paille
Constructions en bois -- Innovations technologiques
Éco-matériaux -- 21e siècle
Économie régionale -- ArchitectureIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : From the editorial DETAIL 11.2023
Straw, Clay, and Other Natural Building Materials
In the last decade, timber construction has rapidly gained ground in the building industry, becoming common even in metropolitan areas. As building with wood becomes more popular, interest is growing in other eco-friendly natural materials, like straw, cork, and clay. These resources are often locally available and can be composted and reintegrated into the material cycle once their lifecycle ends.
Although building with natural materials may not always be the cheapest option, their low grey energy consumption, ease of deconstruction, and minimal environmental footprint make a compelling argument in their favour.
In this issue, we present exemplary projects that highlight the extensive use of natural building materials. Using timber sourced from local forests, clay from regional clay pits, and cork acoustic panels, FAZ architectes prioritized the creation of a healthy indoor environment at a primary school in Riaz near Geneva.
Meanwhile, in Nänikon near Zurich, Atelier Schmidt adopted straw bale architecture for a housing estate consisting of 28 units distributed across three rows, all in timber frame construction. The 75 cm thick straw insulation layer is concealed beneath the plaster surfaces, and is comparable to the thermal conductivity of rock wool, despite being an agricultural by product. An in-depth exploration of the diversity and properties of plant-based insulating materials, such as hemp, reed, jute, and cellulose, is provided in our Technology feature by Bettina Rühm (page 78).
Ever more bold developers are embracing the use of natural and health-conscious materials in their projects, like the Auenweide housing estate by Einzueins Architektur in Lower Austria.
Perhaps this marks the start of a trend that will shape the future.En ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 11.2023 - 2023-11-09 - Naturbaustoffe = Natural Building Materials [texte imprimé] . - 2023.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Architecture -- 21e siècle -- Dessins et plans
Construction -- Matériaux -- Aspect environnemental
Construction -- Matériaux -- Innovations technologiques
Construction durable -- 21e siècle
Constructions -- Isolation acoustique
Constructions en argile
Constructions en ballots de paille
Constructions en bois -- Innovations technologiques
Éco-matériaux -- 21e siècle
Économie régionale -- ArchitectureIndex. décimale : 72 Architecture Résumé : From the editorial DETAIL 11.2023
Straw, Clay, and Other Natural Building Materials
In the last decade, timber construction has rapidly gained ground in the building industry, becoming common even in metropolitan areas. As building with wood becomes more popular, interest is growing in other eco-friendly natural materials, like straw, cork, and clay. These resources are often locally available and can be composted and reintegrated into the material cycle once their lifecycle ends.
Although building with natural materials may not always be the cheapest option, their low grey energy consumption, ease of deconstruction, and minimal environmental footprint make a compelling argument in their favour.
In this issue, we present exemplary projects that highlight the extensive use of natural building materials. Using timber sourced from local forests, clay from regional clay pits, and cork acoustic panels, FAZ architectes prioritized the creation of a healthy indoor environment at a primary school in Riaz near Geneva.
Meanwhile, in Nänikon near Zurich, Atelier Schmidt adopted straw bale architecture for a housing estate consisting of 28 units distributed across three rows, all in timber frame construction. The 75 cm thick straw insulation layer is concealed beneath the plaster surfaces, and is comparable to the thermal conductivity of rock wool, despite being an agricultural by product. An in-depth exploration of the diversity and properties of plant-based insulating materials, such as hemp, reed, jute, and cellulose, is provided in our Technology feature by Bettina Rühm (page 78).
Ever more bold developers are embracing the use of natural and health-conscious materials in their projects, like the Auenweide housing estate by Einzueins Architektur in Lower Austria.
Perhaps this marks the start of a trend that will shape the future.En ligne : Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 27889 DETAIL Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible 11.2024 - 2024-11-09 - Holzbau + Vorfertigung (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
Permalink12.2020 - 2020-12-09 - Bauen mit Beton = Concrete Construction (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
Permalink12.2021 - 2021-12-09 - Building with wood (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
Permalink12.2022 - 2022-12-09 - Gebäudehüllen = Building Envelopes (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
Permalink12.2023 - 2023-12-09 - Nachverdichtung (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
PermalinkPermalink3.2020 - 2020-03-09 - Konzept = Concept. Mobilität = Mobility (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
Permalink3.2021 - 2021-03-09 - Konzept (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)
Permalink3.2022 - 2022-03-09 - Concept / Urban Housing (Bulletin de Detail : Zeitschrift für Architecktur + Baudetail)