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Vol.17 no1(2002) - 2002-01-01 - Photographic Conservation (Bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter)
[n° ou bulletin]
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Titre : Vol.17 no1(2002) - 2002-01-01 - Photographic Conservation Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2002 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Archives photographiques -- Aspect social
Archives photographiques -- Conservation et restauration
Archives photographiques -- Conservation et restauration -- Recherche
Art et sciences
Cartier-Bresson, Anne
Centre de recherche sur les collections (Paris)
Fourier, Spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de
Hiéroglyphes -- Copán (Honduras ; site archéologique) -- Conservation et restauration
Mosaïque antique -- Utique (ville ancienne) -- Conservation et restauration
Négatifs sur verre
Pavements de mosaïque -- Antiquité -- Tunisie -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture et décoration murales -- Dunhuang (Chine) -- Grottes de Mogao -- Conservation et restauration
Photographie -- Détérioration
Photographie -- Histoire
Photographies -- Collections publiques
Photographies -- Conservation et restauration
Photographies -- Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Photographies -- Conservation et restauration -- Pratique
Spectroscopie de fluorescenceIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
A portrait of a girl, attibuted to U.S. photographer Allen Drew Cook, who was active in Philadelphia in the 1890s and early 1900s. This is how the albumen photograph appeared prior to conservation treatment. Photo: Tram M. Vo, courtesy the University Gallery Teaching Collection, University of Delaware (photograph given by an anonymous donor in 1991).
The Conservation of Photography: Three Perspectives
Awareness of preservation challenges for photographs dates back to photography's inception in the mid-19th century. However, it was not until the latter part of the 20th century that conserving photographs emerged as a professional pursuit. The current state of conservation of photography is examined by three professionals in the field who explore some key areas for research, outline the development and needs of photographic conservation education, and describe the critical role photographic conservators can play in the care of photographic collections.
Evolution of a Medium: A Discussion about Photography and Its Conservation
Image Permanence Institute in Rochester, New York, and Bertrand Lavédrine, director of the Centre de recherches sur la conservation des documents graphiques in Paris, along with Getty photographic conservators Marc Harnly and Teresa Mesquit, discuss the conservation of photographs with the GCI’s Dusan Stulik and Jeffrey Levin.
Conservation of Photographic Collections: A New Collaborative Project at the GCI
The conservation of photographic collections and photographic material is relatively young when compared with other museum conservation areas. To expand the existing body of knowledge regarding photographic conservation, the Getty Conservation Institute recently embarked on a collaborative project to advance techniques for characterizing photographic material and identifying variations in photographic processes.
Conserving Mosaics in Tunisia
The areas of North Africa along the Mediterranean that were once part of the Roman world are abundant in preserved mosaics—particularly in what is today modern Tunisia. As part of the GCI's project on in situ mosaic conservation, the GCI and Tunisia's Institut National du Patrimoine (INP) have collaborated on a program to provide training for INP staff in order to help save this immensely rich heritage from further deterioration.
GCI News
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
The GCI Newsletter Staff BoxEn ligne : [...] [n° ou bulletin]Vol.17 no1(2002) - 2002-01-01 - Photographic Conservation [texte imprimé] . - 2002.
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Archives photographiques -- Aspect social
Archives photographiques -- Conservation et restauration
Archives photographiques -- Conservation et restauration -- Recherche
Art et sciences
Cartier-Bresson, Anne
Centre de recherche sur les collections (Paris)
Fourier, Spectroscopie infrarouge à transformée de
Hiéroglyphes -- Copán (Honduras ; site archéologique) -- Conservation et restauration
Mosaïque antique -- Utique (ville ancienne) -- Conservation et restauration
Négatifs sur verre
Pavements de mosaïque -- Antiquité -- Tunisie -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture et décoration murales -- Dunhuang (Chine) -- Grottes de Mogao -- Conservation et restauration
Photographie -- Détérioration
Photographie -- Histoire
Photographies -- Collections publiques
Photographies -- Conservation et restauration
Photographies -- Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Photographies -- Conservation et restauration -- Pratique
Spectroscopie de fluorescenceIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
A portrait of a girl, attibuted to U.S. photographer Allen Drew Cook, who was active in Philadelphia in the 1890s and early 1900s. This is how the albumen photograph appeared prior to conservation treatment. Photo: Tram M. Vo, courtesy the University Gallery Teaching Collection, University of Delaware (photograph given by an anonymous donor in 1991).
The Conservation of Photography: Three Perspectives
Awareness of preservation challenges for photographs dates back to photography's inception in the mid-19th century. However, it was not until the latter part of the 20th century that conserving photographs emerged as a professional pursuit. The current state of conservation of photography is examined by three professionals in the field who explore some key areas for research, outline the development and needs of photographic conservation education, and describe the critical role photographic conservators can play in the care of photographic collections.
Evolution of a Medium: A Discussion about Photography and Its Conservation
Image Permanence Institute in Rochester, New York, and Bertrand Lavédrine, director of the Centre de recherches sur la conservation des documents graphiques in Paris, along with Getty photographic conservators Marc Harnly and Teresa Mesquit, discuss the conservation of photographs with the GCI’s Dusan Stulik and Jeffrey Levin.
Conservation of Photographic Collections: A New Collaborative Project at the GCI
The conservation of photographic collections and photographic material is relatively young when compared with other museum conservation areas. To expand the existing body of knowledge regarding photographic conservation, the Getty Conservation Institute recently embarked on a collaborative project to advance techniques for characterizing photographic material and identifying variations in photographic processes.
Conserving Mosaics in Tunisia
The areas of North Africa along the Mediterranean that were once part of the Roman world are abundant in preserved mosaics—particularly in what is today modern Tunisia. As part of the GCI's project on in situ mosaic conservation, the GCI and Tunisia's Institut National du Patrimoine (INP) have collaborated on a program to provide training for INP staff in order to help save this immensely rich heritage from further deterioration.
GCI News
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
The GCI Newsletter Staff BoxEn ligne : [...] Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23369 GETTY Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt Vol.17 no3(2002) - 2002-09-01 - Modern Science & Contemporary Paintings (Bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter)
[n° ou bulletin]
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Titre : Vol.17 no3(2002) - 2002-09-01 - Modern Science & Contemporary Paintings Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2002 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Art contemporain -- Conservation et restauration
Art et sciences
DE KOONING, Willem (1904-1997)
Lawrence, Jacob (1917-2000)
Modernisme (art) -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture -- 20e siècle -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture -- 21e siècle -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture -- Conservation et restauration -- Histoire
Peinture -- Matériaux -- Innovations -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture et décoration murales -- Dunhuang (Chine) -- Grottes de Mogao -- Conservation et restaurationIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
A selection of modern paint materials. The artists' paint market underwent a dramatic change in the 20th century with the development of synthetic paints. Created for the burgeoning house paint market, paints containing synthetic resins allowed for more rapid drying and displayed less yellowing with age than paints made with oil—the traditional binding medium. Synthetic paints were eventually formulated for the artists' market. By the 1960s one of these—acrylic emulsion paint—was becoming among the most widely used paint materials. Photo: © Tate, London 2002.
Modern Science and Contemporary Paintings: Preserving an Evolving Legacy
Paintings produced in earlier eras used a relatively circumscribed range of artists’ materials. Today artists are not limited to these traditional materials but may also choose from a variety of commercial paint media—such as acrylics, nitrocellulose, and alkyds—as well as a profusion of synthetic pigments. Given that research into artists’ materials and their use plays an important role in conservation, the tremendous increase in the number of available materials creates new challenges for conservation professionals.
Time and Change: A Discussion about the Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Art
Those charged with conserving modern and contemporary art confront a variety of practical and philosophical considerations. Conservators Jim Coddington and Carol Mancusi-Ungaro and art historian Kirk Varnedoe shared their thoughts on a number of these complicated but intriguing issues with the GCI's Jeffrey Levin.
Modern Paints: A New Collaborative Research Project
Knowledge regarding how well modern paint media will withstand the passage of time remains extremely limited. A new integrated collaborative project—initiated in 2002 by Tate in London, the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., and the Getty Conservation Institute—will address some of the questions we have regarding the character of modern paint materials. The project will conduct research in three main areas: cleaning of modern paintings, chemical analysis, and physical characterization.
Conserving the Buddhist Wall Paintings at Mogao
Since 1989 the Getty Conservation Institute and the Dunhuang Academy have collaborated on conservation at the Mogao grottoes, an important site of Buddhist worship along China’s Silk Road, today inscribed on the World Heritage List. Beginning in 1997, one aspect of the collaboration has focused on the conservation of wall paintings. The wall paintings project is developing approaches that will have wide application not only at Mogao but also at similar sites on the Silk Road.
GCI News: Projects, Events, Publications and Staff
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
MastheadEn ligne : [...] [n° ou bulletin]Vol.17 no3(2002) - 2002-09-01 - Modern Science & Contemporary Paintings [texte imprimé] . - 2002.
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Art contemporain -- Conservation et restauration
Art et sciences
DE KOONING, Willem (1904-1997)
Lawrence, Jacob (1917-2000)
Modernisme (art) -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture -- 20e siècle -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture -- 21e siècle -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture -- Conservation et restauration -- Histoire
Peinture -- Matériaux -- Innovations -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture et décoration murales -- Dunhuang (Chine) -- Grottes de Mogao -- Conservation et restaurationIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
A selection of modern paint materials. The artists' paint market underwent a dramatic change in the 20th century with the development of synthetic paints. Created for the burgeoning house paint market, paints containing synthetic resins allowed for more rapid drying and displayed less yellowing with age than paints made with oil—the traditional binding medium. Synthetic paints were eventually formulated for the artists' market. By the 1960s one of these—acrylic emulsion paint—was becoming among the most widely used paint materials. Photo: © Tate, London 2002.
Modern Science and Contemporary Paintings: Preserving an Evolving Legacy
Paintings produced in earlier eras used a relatively circumscribed range of artists’ materials. Today artists are not limited to these traditional materials but may also choose from a variety of commercial paint media—such as acrylics, nitrocellulose, and alkyds—as well as a profusion of synthetic pigments. Given that research into artists’ materials and their use plays an important role in conservation, the tremendous increase in the number of available materials creates new challenges for conservation professionals.
Time and Change: A Discussion about the Conservation of Modern and Contemporary Art
Those charged with conserving modern and contemporary art confront a variety of practical and philosophical considerations. Conservators Jim Coddington and Carol Mancusi-Ungaro and art historian Kirk Varnedoe shared their thoughts on a number of these complicated but intriguing issues with the GCI's Jeffrey Levin.
Modern Paints: A New Collaborative Research Project
Knowledge regarding how well modern paint media will withstand the passage of time remains extremely limited. A new integrated collaborative project—initiated in 2002 by Tate in London, the National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C., and the Getty Conservation Institute—will address some of the questions we have regarding the character of modern paint materials. The project will conduct research in three main areas: cleaning of modern paintings, chemical analysis, and physical characterization.
Conserving the Buddhist Wall Paintings at Mogao
Since 1989 the Getty Conservation Institute and the Dunhuang Academy have collaborated on conservation at the Mogao grottoes, an important site of Buddhist worship along China’s Silk Road, today inscribed on the World Heritage List. Beginning in 1997, one aspect of the collaboration has focused on the conservation of wall paintings. The wall paintings project is developing approaches that will have wide application not only at Mogao but also at similar sites on the Silk Road.
GCI News: Projects, Events, Publications and Staff
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
MastheadEn ligne : [...] Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23367 GETTY Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt Vol.20 no2(2005) - 2005-05-01 - Conservation Science (Bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter)
[n° ou bulletin]
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Titre : Vol.20 no2(2005) - 2005-05-01 - Conservation Science Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2005 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Archéométrie
Art -- Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Art -- Conservation et restauration -- Innovations technologiques
Art et sciences
Interdisciplinarité -- Dans l'art
Matériaux organiques -- Analyse
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration
Patrimoine culturel -- Détérioration -- Prévention
Peinture et décoration murales -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture et décoration murales -- Matériaux -- Analyse
Technologie et artsIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
Constanza Miliani, a researcher at the Instituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari CNR in Perugia, taking in situ measurements of the infared reflectance spectrum of fifteenth-century wall paintings by Filippo Lippi, as part of the Organic Materials in Wall Paintings project, which is being conducted by the GCI and a number of other scientific laboratories. Using the noninvasive technique of reflectance Fourier transform infared spectroscopy with fiber optics, she is able to classify the organic materials present on the surface of these paintings, which are located in Saint Stephen's Cathedral in Prato, Italy. Photo: Francesca Piqué.
The State of Conservation Science
Conservation science is a relatively new scientific endeavor, one that draws on a variety of other scientific disciplines. Has it, as some believe, come of age? What are the accomplishments and challenges that characterize the current state of the field?
A Diverse Discipline: A Discussion about Conservation Science
Aviva Burnstock of the Courtauld Institute of Art, Chris McGlinchey of the Museum of Modern Art, and Narayan Khandekar of the Harvard University Art Museums talk with Giacomo Chiari and Jeffrey Levin of the GCI.
Training and Education in Conservation Science
As interest in the profession grows, the various routes into conservation science—and the amount of education and training that should be required for people entering the field—have become topics of discussion and debate.
Science for the Conservation of Wall Paintings
A current GCI collaborative project with a number of research institutions is exploring a variety of ways to undertake the challenging task of analyzing organic materials in wall paintings—a task critical to the conservation of these works of art.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
MastheadEn ligne : [...] [n° ou bulletin]Vol.20 no2(2005) - 2005-05-01 - Conservation Science [texte imprimé] . - 2005.
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Archéométrie
Art -- Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Art -- Conservation et restauration -- Innovations technologiques
Art et sciences
Interdisciplinarité -- Dans l'art
Matériaux organiques -- Analyse
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration
Patrimoine culturel -- Détérioration -- Prévention
Peinture et décoration murales -- Conservation et restauration
Peinture et décoration murales -- Matériaux -- Analyse
Technologie et artsIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
Constanza Miliani, a researcher at the Instituto di Scienze e Tecnologie Molecolari CNR in Perugia, taking in situ measurements of the infared reflectance spectrum of fifteenth-century wall paintings by Filippo Lippi, as part of the Organic Materials in Wall Paintings project, which is being conducted by the GCI and a number of other scientific laboratories. Using the noninvasive technique of reflectance Fourier transform infared spectroscopy with fiber optics, she is able to classify the organic materials present on the surface of these paintings, which are located in Saint Stephen's Cathedral in Prato, Italy. Photo: Francesca Piqué.
The State of Conservation Science
Conservation science is a relatively new scientific endeavor, one that draws on a variety of other scientific disciplines. Has it, as some believe, come of age? What are the accomplishments and challenges that characterize the current state of the field?
A Diverse Discipline: A Discussion about Conservation Science
Aviva Burnstock of the Courtauld Institute of Art, Chris McGlinchey of the Museum of Modern Art, and Narayan Khandekar of the Harvard University Art Museums talk with Giacomo Chiari and Jeffrey Levin of the GCI.
Training and Education in Conservation Science
As interest in the profession grows, the various routes into conservation science—and the amount of education and training that should be required for people entering the field—have become topics of discussion and debate.
Science for the Conservation of Wall Paintings
A current GCI collaborative project with a number of research institutions is exploring a variety of ways to undertake the challenging task of analyzing organic materials in wall paintings—a task critical to the conservation of these works of art.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
MastheadEn ligne : [...] Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23359 GETTY Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt Vol.25 no1(2010:spring) - 2010-03-01 - Collections research (Bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter)
Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23473 GETTY Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt