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Vol.19 no1(2004) - 2004-01-01 - Implementing Preventive Conservation (Bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter)
[n° ou bulletin]
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Titre : Vol.19 no1(2004) - 2004-01-01 - Implementing Preventive Conservation Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2004 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Archéologie préventive
Architecture et climat
Art -- Conservation et restauration -- 21e siècle
Art -- Mutilation, dégradation, etc.
Champignons microscopiques
Développement durable -- Dans l'art
Marétiaux -- Effets de la lumière
Monuments historiques -- Chauffage et ventilation
Monuments historiques -- Conservation et restauration
Musées -- Éclairage
Patrimoine culturel -- Entreposage
Patrimoine culturel -- Détérioration -- PréventionMots-clés : Conservation préventive Index. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
Front cover: Detail of a French lithograph, Woman with Prayer Book, showing pronounced mold growth on the print's surface. Although this work—part of the collection of the Shelburne Museum in Vermont—was stored in a climate-controlled area, the tempered air was not properly circulated. During the summer months, the room's relative humidity reached levels high enough to support mold growth. Following the hiring of a conservator by the museum in 1982, the storage conditions of this and other paper artifacts were modified, and visible mold was removed from this particular print. Photo: © Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, VT.
Effective Preservation: From Reaction to Prevention
While many professions have become exceedingly narrow, preventive conservation has evolved to become one of the most interdisciplinary of fields. It uses knowledge from materials science, building science, chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, systems science, and management, as well as a host of technical fields. Decision making in this context can be exceedingly complex—which is why many in the profession are turning to risk management approaches that embrace uncertainty.
Sustainable Access: A Discussion about Implementing Preventive Conservation
Sarah Staniforth, Richard Kerschner, and Jonathan Ashley-Smith—three conservators who have devoted much time and thought to the application of preventive conservation—talk with the GCI's James Druzik and Jeffrey Levin about how the results of conservation research can be applied in a practical way.
Illuminating Alternatives: Research in Museum Lighting
One area where preservation risks can probably be more effectively managed is museum lighting. In 2002, new research on museum lighting helped prompt an experts meeting, organized by the GCI, that addressed questions involving the lighting of old master drawings. From that meeting's discussions, it was evident that there were a number of strategies that could improve the display lifetime of works of art on paper. The GCI is now pursuing a research program on the subject.
Climate Controls for Historic Buildings: A New Strategy
Many museums, libraries, and archives housed in hot and humid regions have sought to reduce the threat posed by biological infestation by controlling relative humidity through the use of air-conditioning systems. But use of these systems can result in other problems. For this reason, the GCI has been conducting research to identify and test alternative systems that are robust, sustainable, and simple to operate.
GCI News: Projects, Events, Publications and Staff
MastheadEn ligne : [...] [n° ou bulletin]Vol.19 no1(2004) - 2004-01-01 - Implementing Preventive Conservation [texte imprimé] . - 2004.
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Archéologie préventive
Architecture et climat
Art -- Conservation et restauration -- 21e siècle
Art -- Mutilation, dégradation, etc.
Champignons microscopiques
Développement durable -- Dans l'art
Marétiaux -- Effets de la lumière
Monuments historiques -- Chauffage et ventilation
Monuments historiques -- Conservation et restauration
Musées -- Éclairage
Patrimoine culturel -- Entreposage
Patrimoine culturel -- Détérioration -- PréventionMots-clés : Conservation préventive Index. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
Front cover: Detail of a French lithograph, Woman with Prayer Book, showing pronounced mold growth on the print's surface. Although this work—part of the collection of the Shelburne Museum in Vermont—was stored in a climate-controlled area, the tempered air was not properly circulated. During the summer months, the room's relative humidity reached levels high enough to support mold growth. Following the hiring of a conservator by the museum in 1982, the storage conditions of this and other paper artifacts were modified, and visible mold was removed from this particular print. Photo: © Shelburne Museum, Shelburne, VT.
Effective Preservation: From Reaction to Prevention
While many professions have become exceedingly narrow, preventive conservation has evolved to become one of the most interdisciplinary of fields. It uses knowledge from materials science, building science, chemistry, physics, biology, engineering, systems science, and management, as well as a host of technical fields. Decision making in this context can be exceedingly complex—which is why many in the profession are turning to risk management approaches that embrace uncertainty.
Sustainable Access: A Discussion about Implementing Preventive Conservation
Sarah Staniforth, Richard Kerschner, and Jonathan Ashley-Smith—three conservators who have devoted much time and thought to the application of preventive conservation—talk with the GCI's James Druzik and Jeffrey Levin about how the results of conservation research can be applied in a practical way.
Illuminating Alternatives: Research in Museum Lighting
One area where preservation risks can probably be more effectively managed is museum lighting. In 2002, new research on museum lighting helped prompt an experts meeting, organized by the GCI, that addressed questions involving the lighting of old master drawings. From that meeting's discussions, it was evident that there were a number of strategies that could improve the display lifetime of works of art on paper. The GCI is now pursuing a research program on the subject.
Climate Controls for Historic Buildings: A New Strategy
Many museums, libraries, and archives housed in hot and humid regions have sought to reduce the threat posed by biological infestation by controlling relative humidity through the use of air-conditioning systems. But use of these systems can result in other problems. For this reason, the GCI has been conducting research to identify and test alternative systems that are robust, sustainable, and simple to operate.
GCI News: Projects, Events, Publications and Staff
MastheadEn ligne : [...] Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23363 GETTY Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt Vol.22 no1(2007) - 2007-01-01 - Environmental Management (Bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter)
[n° ou bulletin]
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Titre : Vol.22 no1(2007) - 2007-01-01 - Environmental Management Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2007 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Air -- Humidité
Architecture et climat
Églises -- Amsterdam (Pays-Bas) -- 17e siècle -- Conservation et restauration
Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa
Musées -- Accueil des publics -- Aspect environnemental
Musées -- Gestion des collection -- Rio de Janeiro (Brésil) -- Aspect environnemental
Patrimoine culturel -- Effets des conditions météorologiques
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Aspect environnemental
Patrimoine culturel -- Détérioration -- PréventionIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
A condition assessment team carrying out a survey of the Our Lord in the Attic Museum in Amsterdam. This historic building was the site of a clandestine Roman Catholic church in the mid-1660s and is today a museum, as well as once again a place of religious worship. In a collaborative project, the GCI and the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage are working with the museum's director and staff to study the impact of visitors on the indoor environment of the building, on its interiors, and on its collections. Information from the project's research will be used in developing a preventive conservation case study. Photo: Paul Ryan.
From the Outside In: Preventive Conservation, Sustainability, And Environmental Management
In the search for solutions that promote not only the conservation of material culture but also the conservation of the global environment, stewards of cultural heritage should review current approaches to environmental control and revisit traditional building design and use, as part of environmental management strategies for collections.
Passive Design, Mechanical Systems, and Doing Nothing: A Discussion about Environmental Management
Ernest Conrad, a U.S. engineer involved in the design of climate control systems; Tim Padfield, a consultant in preventive conservation who has worked at institutions in Europe and the United States; and Franciza Toledo, a private researcher and consultant in preventive conservation in Brazil, talk with Shin Maekawa and Jeffrey Levin of the Getty Conservation Institute.
Collections Care, Human Comfort, and Climate Control: A Case Study at the Casa de Rui Barbosa Museum
After researching alternative climate control strategies for establishing safe environments for collections in hot and humid regions, the GCI is now collaborating with the Casa de Rui Barbosa Museum in Rio de Janeiro to test the applicability of the GCI's climate control strategy in a setting where human comfort is an important consideration.
Our Lord in the Attic: A Preventive Conservation Case Study
The GCI's Education and Science departments are working with colleagues in the Netherlands to develop a preventive conservation case study on an unusual historic house museum in the center of Amsterdam—a seventeenth-century canal house that holds a surprise in its attic: a Catholic church.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
MastheadEn ligne : [...] [n° ou bulletin]Vol.22 no1(2007) - 2007-01-01 - Environmental Management [texte imprimé] . - 2007.
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Air -- Humidité
Architecture et climat
Églises -- Amsterdam (Pays-Bas) -- 17e siècle -- Conservation et restauration
Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa
Musées -- Accueil des publics -- Aspect environnemental
Musées -- Gestion des collection -- Rio de Janeiro (Brésil) -- Aspect environnemental
Patrimoine culturel -- Effets des conditions météorologiques
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Aspect environnemental
Patrimoine culturel -- Détérioration -- PréventionIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu : Table of Contents
Newsletter Cover
A condition assessment team carrying out a survey of the Our Lord in the Attic Museum in Amsterdam. This historic building was the site of a clandestine Roman Catholic church in the mid-1660s and is today a museum, as well as once again a place of religious worship. In a collaborative project, the GCI and the Netherlands Institute for Cultural Heritage are working with the museum's director and staff to study the impact of visitors on the indoor environment of the building, on its interiors, and on its collections. Information from the project's research will be used in developing a preventive conservation case study. Photo: Paul Ryan.
From the Outside In: Preventive Conservation, Sustainability, And Environmental Management
In the search for solutions that promote not only the conservation of material culture but also the conservation of the global environment, stewards of cultural heritage should review current approaches to environmental control and revisit traditional building design and use, as part of environmental management strategies for collections.
Passive Design, Mechanical Systems, and Doing Nothing: A Discussion about Environmental Management
Ernest Conrad, a U.S. engineer involved in the design of climate control systems; Tim Padfield, a consultant in preventive conservation who has worked at institutions in Europe and the United States; and Franciza Toledo, a private researcher and consultant in preventive conservation in Brazil, talk with Shin Maekawa and Jeffrey Levin of the Getty Conservation Institute.
Collections Care, Human Comfort, and Climate Control: A Case Study at the Casa de Rui Barbosa Museum
After researching alternative climate control strategies for establishing safe environments for collections in hot and humid regions, the GCI is now collaborating with the Casa de Rui Barbosa Museum in Rio de Janeiro to test the applicability of the GCI's climate control strategy in a setting where human comfort is an important consideration.
Our Lord in the Attic: A Preventive Conservation Case Study
The GCI's Education and Science departments are working with colleagues in the Netherlands to develop a preventive conservation case study on an unusual historic house museum in the center of Amsterdam—a seventeenth-century canal house that holds a surprise in its attic: a Catholic church.
GCI News: Projects, Events, and Publications
Updates on Getty Conservation Institute projects, events, publications, and staff.
MastheadEn ligne : [...] Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23404 GETTY Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt Vol.26 no1(2011:spring) - 2011-03-01 - Sustainability & heritage (Bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter)
[n° ou bulletin]
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Titre : Vol.26 no1(2011:spring) - 2011-03-01 - Sustainability & heritage Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2011 Langues : Anglais (eng) Catégories : Architecture et climat
Art -- Collections publiques -- Conservation et restauration
Développement durable -- Coopération internationale
Materiaux -- Aspect environemetnal
Monuments historiques -- Conservation et restauration -- Philosophie
Musées -- Gestion des collections
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Aspect environnemental
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Sites historiques -- ProtectionIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu :
Spring 2011 • Sustainability & Heritage
Download PDF Version (5.9 MB, 32pp) (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
The National Trust shop at Wordsworth House in Cockermouth, England, when the River Derwent overflowed after a one-in-one thousand year rainstorm in which twelve inches of rain fell in twenty-four hours. Climate change—manifest by increasingly severe weather patterns—can directly impact historic structures. Photo: National Trust.
By Timothy P. Whalen
Forging a Role for Heritage Conservation
By Erica Avrami
From International Policy to Action
By May Cassar
By Sarah Staniforth
By John Fidler, George Wheeler, and Dwayne Fuhlhage
A Discussion about Sustainability and Heritage
A list of key resources related to sustainability and cultural heritage
Projects, events, and publications
Modern and Contemporary Art Research Update
Conservation of Tutankhamen Tomb
América Tropical Update
Niépce in England Conference
MEGA-Jordan Launched
Teaching Materials Available
Martha Demas Honored
GCI Receives National Science Foundation Grant
Visiting Project Partners
Franciza Lima Toledo
Giorgio Torraca
Changing Views of Textile Conservation
House Paints, 1900—1960: History and Use
Terra 2008: The 10th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural HeritageEn ligne : [n° ou bulletin]Vol.26 no1(2011:spring) - 2011-03-01 - Sustainability & heritage [texte imprimé] . - 2011.
est un bulletin de Conservation perspectives : the Getty Conservation Institute newsletter / Jeffrey Levin
Langues : Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Architecture et climat
Art -- Collections publiques -- Conservation et restauration
Développement durable -- Coopération internationale
Materiaux -- Aspect environemetnal
Monuments historiques -- Conservation et restauration -- Philosophie
Musées -- Gestion des collections
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Aspect environnemental
Patrimoine culturel -- Conservation et restauration -- Étude et enseignement
Sites historiques -- ProtectionIndex. décimale : 7.025 Dommages. Conservation. Protection Note de contenu :
Spring 2011 • Sustainability & Heritage
Download PDF Version (5.9 MB, 32pp) (requires Adobe Acrobat Reader)
The National Trust shop at Wordsworth House in Cockermouth, England, when the River Derwent overflowed after a one-in-one thousand year rainstorm in which twelve inches of rain fell in twenty-four hours. Climate change—manifest by increasingly severe weather patterns—can directly impact historic structures. Photo: National Trust.
By Timothy P. Whalen
Forging a Role for Heritage Conservation
By Erica Avrami
From International Policy to Action
By May Cassar
By Sarah Staniforth
By John Fidler, George Wheeler, and Dwayne Fuhlhage
A Discussion about Sustainability and Heritage
A list of key resources related to sustainability and cultural heritage
Projects, events, and publications
Modern and Contemporary Art Research Update
Conservation of Tutankhamen Tomb
América Tropical Update
Niépce in England Conference
MEGA-Jordan Launched
Teaching Materials Available
Martha Demas Honored
GCI Receives National Science Foundation Grant
Visiting Project Partners
Franciza Lima Toledo
Giorgio Torraca
Changing Views of Textile Conservation
House Paints, 1900—1960: History and Use
Terra 2008: The 10th International Conference on the Study and Conservation of Earthen Architectural HeritageEn ligne : Exemplaires (1)
Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23475 GETTY Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Exclu du prêt