[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : |
Vol.2019:N°3 - 2019-03-01 - Forschung und Lehre = Research and Education |
Type de document : |
texte imprimé |
Année de publication : |
2019 |
Langues : |
Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) |
Catégories : |
Appareils sanitaires Architecture -- Dessins et plans Bauhaus Campus -- Paris (France) -- 21e siècle Central european university Centres de recherche Constructions en béton -- Piura (Pérou) Constructions en brique -- Katowice (Pologne) Constructions en brique -- Budapest (Hongrie) Constructions en verre -- Kassel (Allemagne) Constructions métalliques -- Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) Constructions préfabriquées Constructions scolaires (universités) Constructions scolaires (universités) -- Kassel (Allemagne) Constructions scolaires (universités) -- Katowice (Pologne) Couvents -- Italie -- Reconversion Coworking -- Aménagement Densification urbaine Écoles de commerce -- Cambridge (GB) Écoles des beaux-arts -- Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) Environnement numérique de travail Femmes architectes -- Allemagne -- 20e siècle -- Histoire et critique Habitations mobiles Salles de lecture -- Piura (Pérou) Salles de lecture – Bambey (Sénégal) Tuomey, John (1954-....) -- Entretiens
Index. décimale : |
72 Architecture |
Résumé : |
The digital revolution has hit research and education particularly hard. Why should students attend a lecture, when the corresponding script is available for download? Books are readily available online, and the latest research findings are often published on the internet before anywhere else. Nevertheless, there are many good reasons why institutes of higher learning and research need a strong spatial presence, and these should be reflected by compelling architectural concepts.
For our March issue on buildings for research and instruction, we have compiled a selection of university building projects that have recently been completed in places such as Cambridge, Kassel, Senegal and Peru. Most buildings that accommodate libraries, lecture halls, labs or large and complex programmes share one thing in particular: their architecture pointedly enhances common areas, providing their users with diverse opportunities for leisure and recreation. These can range from informal meeting spaces with comfortable seating, or indoor gyms for a quick game of handball during the lunch break, as found in the buildings of the new campus at Paris-Saclay. Shaded outdoor spaces or common areas flooded with natural light are also popular.
The more convincing the spatial quality and benefits for the community, the sooner the architecture will be accepted. Some of the academic campuses are cleverly integrated into the surrounding historical district, as examined in our documentations of the Faculty of Radio and Television in Katowice and the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest. As places of encounter, these institutions not only need good architecture but must also be met with a sense of open-mindedness and political support. How such issues are being handled in Hungary is explained in our article on the CEU. |
Note de contenu : |
4 Inhalt = Contents
1 Editorial
22 Impressum = Imprint
86 Projektbeteiligte / Hersteller = Project Teams / Suppliers
120 Contributors
Magazin = Reports
6 Wenn Dächer sich küssen = Kissing Roofs
10 Alter Konvent und neues Quartier = From Old Convent to New Quarter
12 Meister und Weberinnen:Vom Bauhaus zu #MeToo = Masters and Weavers:From Bauhaus to #MeToo
16 DETAIL research Movable House – ein mobiles Gebäude = Movable House – A Mobile Building
20 Architektur im Dialog = Architecture in Dialogue
Produkte = Products
90 Bäder, Sanitär, Klimatechnik = Sanitary Equipment, HVAC
100 Systembauweisen = System Construction
24 Campus der Superlative: Paris-Saclay = World-Class Campus: Paris-Saclay Andrew Ayers
Typologie = Typology
32 Hörsaalgebäude in Piura (PE)= Lecture Hall Complex in Piura (PE) Barclay & Crousse
38 Hörsaalgebäude in Oxford (GB) = Lecture Hall Complex in Oxford (GB) Níall McLaughlin Architects
42 Business School in Cambridge (GB)Stanton Williams
46 Hörsaalgebäude in Bambey (SN)= Lecture Hall Complex in Bambey (SN)IDOM
50 Kunsthochschule in Nantes (FR)= School of Fine Arts in Nantes (FR)Franklin Azzi Architecture
56 Fakultätsgebäude in Kassel (DE)= Faculty Building in Kassel (DE)raumzeit
Prozess = Process
60 Central European University in Budapest (HU) O’Donnell + Tuomey, M-Teampannon
74 Fakultät für Radio und Fernsehen in Kattowitz (PL) = Faculty of Radio and Television inKatowice (PL) Baas Arquitectura, Grupa 5 Architekci, Małeccy biuro projekto |
En ligne : |
https://www.detail-online.com/en/magazine/research-and-education-33826/ |
[n° ou bulletin]
Vol.2019:N°3 - 2019-03-01 - Forschung und Lehre = Research and Education [texte imprimé] . - 2019. Langues : Allemand ( ger) Anglais ( eng)
Catégories : |
Appareils sanitaires Architecture -- Dessins et plans Bauhaus Campus -- Paris (France) -- 21e siècle Central european university Centres de recherche Constructions en béton -- Piura (Pérou) Constructions en brique -- Katowice (Pologne) Constructions en brique -- Budapest (Hongrie) Constructions en verre -- Kassel (Allemagne) Constructions métalliques -- Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) Constructions préfabriquées Constructions scolaires (universités) Constructions scolaires (universités) -- Kassel (Allemagne) Constructions scolaires (universités) -- Katowice (Pologne) Couvents -- Italie -- Reconversion Coworking -- Aménagement Densification urbaine Écoles de commerce -- Cambridge (GB) Écoles des beaux-arts -- Nantes (Loire-Atlantique) Environnement numérique de travail Femmes architectes -- Allemagne -- 20e siècle -- Histoire et critique Habitations mobiles Salles de lecture -- Piura (Pérou) Salles de lecture – Bambey (Sénégal) Tuomey, John (1954-....) -- Entretiens
Index. décimale : |
72 Architecture |
Résumé : |
The digital revolution has hit research and education particularly hard. Why should students attend a lecture, when the corresponding script is available for download? Books are readily available online, and the latest research findings are often published on the internet before anywhere else. Nevertheless, there are many good reasons why institutes of higher learning and research need a strong spatial presence, and these should be reflected by compelling architectural concepts.
For our March issue on buildings for research and instruction, we have compiled a selection of university building projects that have recently been completed in places such as Cambridge, Kassel, Senegal and Peru. Most buildings that accommodate libraries, lecture halls, labs or large and complex programmes share one thing in particular: their architecture pointedly enhances common areas, providing their users with diverse opportunities for leisure and recreation. These can range from informal meeting spaces with comfortable seating, or indoor gyms for a quick game of handball during the lunch break, as found in the buildings of the new campus at Paris-Saclay. Shaded outdoor spaces or common areas flooded with natural light are also popular.
The more convincing the spatial quality and benefits for the community, the sooner the architecture will be accepted. Some of the academic campuses are cleverly integrated into the surrounding historical district, as examined in our documentations of the Faculty of Radio and Television in Katowice and the Central European University (CEU) in Budapest. As places of encounter, these institutions not only need good architecture but must also be met with a sense of open-mindedness and political support. How such issues are being handled in Hungary is explained in our article on the CEU. |
Note de contenu : |
4 Inhalt = Contents
1 Editorial
22 Impressum = Imprint
86 Projektbeteiligte / Hersteller = Project Teams / Suppliers
120 Contributors
Magazin = Reports
6 Wenn Dächer sich küssen = Kissing Roofs
10 Alter Konvent und neues Quartier = From Old Convent to New Quarter
12 Meister und Weberinnen:Vom Bauhaus zu #MeToo = Masters and Weavers:From Bauhaus to #MeToo
16 DETAIL research Movable House – ein mobiles Gebäude = Movable House – A Mobile Building
20 Architektur im Dialog = Architecture in Dialogue
Produkte = Products
90 Bäder, Sanitär, Klimatechnik = Sanitary Equipment, HVAC
100 Systembauweisen = System Construction
24 Campus der Superlative: Paris-Saclay = World-Class Campus: Paris-Saclay Andrew Ayers
Typologie = Typology
32 Hörsaalgebäude in Piura (PE)= Lecture Hall Complex in Piura (PE) Barclay & Crousse
38 Hörsaalgebäude in Oxford (GB) = Lecture Hall Complex in Oxford (GB) Níall McLaughlin Architects
42 Business School in Cambridge (GB)Stanton Williams
46 Hörsaalgebäude in Bambey (SN)= Lecture Hall Complex in Bambey (SN)IDOM
50 Kunsthochschule in Nantes (FR)= School of Fine Arts in Nantes (FR)Franklin Azzi Architecture
56 Fakultätsgebäude in Kassel (DE)= Faculty Building in Kassel (DE)raumzeit
Prozess = Process
60 Central European University in Budapest (HU) O’Donnell + Tuomey, M-Teampannon
74 Fakultät für Radio und Fernsehen in Kattowitz (PL) = Faculty of Radio and Television inKatowice (PL) Baas Arquitectura, Grupa 5 Architekci, Małeccy biuro projekto |
En ligne : |
https://www.detail-online.com/en/magazine/research-and-education-33826/ |
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