[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : |
Vol.2018:N°12 - 2018-12-01 - Dächer = Roof Structures |
Type de document : |
texte imprimé |
Année de publication : |
2018 |
Langues : |
Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) |
Catégories : |
Architecture -- 21e siècle -- Dessins et plans Architecture militaire -- Reconversion -- Dessins et plans Bibliothèques (constructions) -- Norvège -- Dessins et plans Centres culturels -- Helsinki (Finlande) -- Dessins et plans Chapelles -- Munich (Allemagne) -- Dessins et plans Constructions métalliques -- Bologne (Italie) -- Dessins et plans Couverture (construction) Cucinella, Mario (1960-....) Drones Immeubles d'habitation - Dessins et plans Musées (constructions) -- Davis (Californie, États-Unis) -- Dessins et plans Royal academy of arts (GB) Toits
Index. décimale : |
72 Architecture |
Résumé : |
As children, we loved playing in the attic under the rafters. We found our secret hiding places among dust-covered boxes and old furniture. Playing in the semi-darkness of the attic was a great adventure overall. There was so much to discover – most likely because the attic had no strictly defined use.
Today, attic and rooftop spaces are often assigned highly specific functions. Lofts and rooftop apartments provide additional living space in dense cities. Some urban dwellers go up to the roof to harvest tomatoes or look after their bees. And at the Brooklyn Grange’s rooftop farm, neighbours gather between the vegetable beds for yoga. Elsewhere, roofs have been designed not as private, but as public places. The steel roof of the new pavilion in Tilburg’s Piushaven harbour doubles as a viewing platform accessible to all. In the heart of Helsinki, the domed skylights of the Amos Rex underground museum enliven the urban space. Located at street level, they form a hilly landscape that has become a popular square and meeting place.
For our December issue, Julia Liese has compiled these and other examples of the great variety of roofs with their functions and building details. Our selection documents current projects with diverse architectural concepts. Lighting can also be a decisive factor, as with the parish church near Munich by Meck Architekten, and the library by Helen & Hard Arkitekter in Grimstad, Norway. |
Note de contenu : |
1 Editorial
22 Impressum = Imprint
84 Projektbeteiligte / Hersteller = Project Teams & Suppliers
152 Contributor
Magazin Reports
6 Happy Birthday, Royal Academy!
10 Impulsgeber für die Zukunft = An Impulse for the Future
14 Bücher = Books
16 DETAIL research
Dynamische und rekonfigurierbare Dachstruktur = Dynamic and Reconfigurable Roof Structure
20 Architektur im Dialog Rezepte für die Kreislaufwirtschaft = Architecture in Dialogue
Recipes for Recycling Management
BAU 2019 – Special Produkte = Products
90 DETAIL auf der BAU 2019 = DETAIL at BAU 2019
96 Vorschau Aussteller / Produkte = Preview Exhibitors / Products
112 Gebäudehülle = Building Envelopes
Dächer = Roof Structures
66 Essay
24 Ressource Dach = Resource Roof
Wolfgang Bachmann
Dokumentation = Documentation
Hafenpavillon in Tilburg (NL)
Harbour Pavilion in Tilburg (NL)
Civic Architects, Bright Urban Futures
Pfarrkirche bei München (DE)
Parish Church near Munich (DE)
meck architekten
Bibliothek in Grimstad (NO)
Library in Grimstad (NO)
Helen & Hard
Dachwohnung in Berlin (DE)
Penthouse in Berlin (DE)
Atelier Zafari
Kulturzentrum Amos Rex
in Helsinki (FI)
Amos Rex Cultural Centre
in Helsinki (FI)
JKMM Architects
Dachausbau in Münster (DE)
Attic Conversion in Münster (DE)
Andreas Schüring Architekten, Bühler und Bühler Architekten
66 Kunstmuseum Manetti Shrem in Davis (US) = Manetti Shrem Museum of Art in Davis (US)
SO-IL, Bohlin Cywinsky Jackson
Technik = Technology
74 Gebaute Landschaft im Park = Built Landscape in the Park
Roland Pawlitschk |
[n° ou bulletin]
Vol.2018:N°12 - 2018-12-01 - Dächer = Roof Structures [texte imprimé] . - 2018. Langues : Allemand ( ger) Anglais ( eng)
Catégories : |
Architecture -- 21e siècle -- Dessins et plans Architecture militaire -- Reconversion -- Dessins et plans Bibliothèques (constructions) -- Norvège -- Dessins et plans Centres culturels -- Helsinki (Finlande) -- Dessins et plans Chapelles -- Munich (Allemagne) -- Dessins et plans Constructions métalliques -- Bologne (Italie) -- Dessins et plans Couverture (construction) Cucinella, Mario (1960-....) Drones Immeubles d'habitation - Dessins et plans Musées (constructions) -- Davis (Californie, États-Unis) -- Dessins et plans Royal academy of arts (GB) Toits
Index. décimale : |
72 Architecture |
Résumé : |
As children, we loved playing in the attic under the rafters. We found our secret hiding places among dust-covered boxes and old furniture. Playing in the semi-darkness of the attic was a great adventure overall. There was so much to discover – most likely because the attic had no strictly defined use.
Today, attic and rooftop spaces are often assigned highly specific functions. Lofts and rooftop apartments provide additional living space in dense cities. Some urban dwellers go up to the roof to harvest tomatoes or look after their bees. And at the Brooklyn Grange’s rooftop farm, neighbours gather between the vegetable beds for yoga. Elsewhere, roofs have been designed not as private, but as public places. The steel roof of the new pavilion in Tilburg’s Piushaven harbour doubles as a viewing platform accessible to all. In the heart of Helsinki, the domed skylights of the Amos Rex underground museum enliven the urban space. Located at street level, they form a hilly landscape that has become a popular square and meeting place.
For our December issue, Julia Liese has compiled these and other examples of the great variety of roofs with their functions and building details. Our selection documents current projects with diverse architectural concepts. Lighting can also be a decisive factor, as with the parish church near Munich by Meck Architekten, and the library by Helen & Hard Arkitekter in Grimstad, Norway. |
Note de contenu : |
1 Editorial
22 Impressum = Imprint
84 Projektbeteiligte / Hersteller = Project Teams & Suppliers
152 Contributor
Magazin Reports
6 Happy Birthday, Royal Academy!
10 Impulsgeber für die Zukunft = An Impulse for the Future
14 Bücher = Books
16 DETAIL research
Dynamische und rekonfigurierbare Dachstruktur = Dynamic and Reconfigurable Roof Structure
20 Architektur im Dialog Rezepte für die Kreislaufwirtschaft = Architecture in Dialogue
Recipes for Recycling Management
BAU 2019 – Special Produkte = Products
90 DETAIL auf der BAU 2019 = DETAIL at BAU 2019
96 Vorschau Aussteller / Produkte = Preview Exhibitors / Products
112 Gebäudehülle = Building Envelopes
Dächer = Roof Structures
66 Essay
24 Ressource Dach = Resource Roof
Wolfgang Bachmann
Dokumentation = Documentation
Hafenpavillon in Tilburg (NL)
Harbour Pavilion in Tilburg (NL)
Civic Architects, Bright Urban Futures
Pfarrkirche bei München (DE)
Parish Church near Munich (DE)
meck architekten
Bibliothek in Grimstad (NO)
Library in Grimstad (NO)
Helen & Hard
Dachwohnung in Berlin (DE)
Penthouse in Berlin (DE)
Atelier Zafari
Kulturzentrum Amos Rex
in Helsinki (FI)
Amos Rex Cultural Centre
in Helsinki (FI)
JKMM Architects
Dachausbau in Münster (DE)
Attic Conversion in Münster (DE)
Andreas Schüring Architekten, Bühler und Bühler Architekten
66 Kunstmuseum Manetti Shrem in Davis (US) = Manetti Shrem Museum of Art in Davis (US)
SO-IL, Bohlin Cywinsky Jackson
Technik = Technology
74 Gebaute Landschaft im Park = Built Landscape in the Park
Roland Pawlitschk |
|  |