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[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 02.17 - 2017-02-12 Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2017 Langues : Anglais (eng) Allemand (ger) Catégories : Arts graphiques
Arts graphiques -- Brésil -- 21e siècle
Papier - Fabrication
TypographieIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Résumé :
Ein leuchtendes Orange lädt dazu ein, sich die brasilianische Designszene näher anzusehen: Die Februar-Ausgabe der novum wirft einen Blick hinter die kreativen Kulissen von kleinen und größeren Studios in Brasilien und zeigt die kreative Seite dieses vielseitigen Landes.
Die novum 02.17 gibt es auch für 8,99 Euro als PDF
Die Print-Ausgabe ist in unserem Shop erhältlich
In unserer Februar-Ausgabe besuchen wir unterschiedliche Studios in Brasilien wie zum Beispiel Abracadabra, Casa Rex, Chiapa, Elefante oder Frente, präsentieren die ungewöhnlichen Kollagen des Illustrators André Bergamin und beleuchten in einem Gespräch zwischen Gustavo Greco und Chico Homem de Melo die Designgeschichte des vielseitigen Landes.
Für den Showroom machten wir uns auf die Reise zum indischen Studio Blok, der Hamburger Agentur Karl Anders, Makebardo in Neuseeland sowie Power-nap Over in Hongkong.
Das novum-Cover 02.17
Für diese novum-Ausgabe mit dem Schwerpunkt Brasilien konnte natürlich kein Cover in gedeckter Farbe in Frage kommen: Mit dem südamerikanischen Land verbinden wir Lebensfreude, Energie und eben ein echtes Farbfeuerwerk. Und hierfür ließen wir uns gerne von dem breiten Sortiment Splendorlux von Fedrigoni inspirieren.
Die Wahl fiel nicht leicht bei insgesamt 46 neuen Artikeln in der Splendorlux-Kollektion, die mit einer Vielzahl an Oberflächen, Formaten, Grammaturen (80 bis 450 g/qm) und Farben speziell für den Luxusverpackungssektor entwickelt wurde. Für unser Cover kam Splendorlux Orange in 350 g/qm zum Einsatz.
Die Gestaltung des Covers übernahm Greco Design aus Belo Horizonte und Gustavo Greco sagt: »Wir haben bei der Gestaltung versucht, Klischees zu vermeiden. Letztlich entschieden wir uns für eine typografische Lösung und verwendeten Wörter, die es nur im brasilianischen Portugiesisch gibt. Diese Wörter sind sehr typisch für das Land und haben keine exakte Entsprechung in anderen Sprachen. Für den Hintergrund haben wir mit Letterpress experimentiert, erst auf den zweiten Blick kann man ein B erkennen.«
Das finden Sie im Heft
Chico Homem de Melo
Casa Rex
André Bergamin
Elefante Project
Blok (IND)
Makebardo (NZL)
Power-nap Over (HKG)
Karl Anders (GER)
Cover-Design: Greco Design (BRA)
Papier: Splendorlux Orange in 350 g/qm von Fedrigoni
Offset-Druck: F&W Druck- und Mediencenter GmbH
En ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 02.17 - 2017-02-12 [texte imprimé] . - 2017.
Langues : Anglais (eng) Allemand (ger)
Catégories : Arts graphiques
Arts graphiques -- Brésil -- 21e siècle
Papier - Fabrication
TypographieIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Résumé :
Ein leuchtendes Orange lädt dazu ein, sich die brasilianische Designszene näher anzusehen: Die Februar-Ausgabe der novum wirft einen Blick hinter die kreativen Kulissen von kleinen und größeren Studios in Brasilien und zeigt die kreative Seite dieses vielseitigen Landes.
Die novum 02.17 gibt es auch für 8,99 Euro als PDF
Die Print-Ausgabe ist in unserem Shop erhältlich
In unserer Februar-Ausgabe besuchen wir unterschiedliche Studios in Brasilien wie zum Beispiel Abracadabra, Casa Rex, Chiapa, Elefante oder Frente, präsentieren die ungewöhnlichen Kollagen des Illustrators André Bergamin und beleuchten in einem Gespräch zwischen Gustavo Greco und Chico Homem de Melo die Designgeschichte des vielseitigen Landes.
Für den Showroom machten wir uns auf die Reise zum indischen Studio Blok, der Hamburger Agentur Karl Anders, Makebardo in Neuseeland sowie Power-nap Over in Hongkong.
Das novum-Cover 02.17
Für diese novum-Ausgabe mit dem Schwerpunkt Brasilien konnte natürlich kein Cover in gedeckter Farbe in Frage kommen: Mit dem südamerikanischen Land verbinden wir Lebensfreude, Energie und eben ein echtes Farbfeuerwerk. Und hierfür ließen wir uns gerne von dem breiten Sortiment Splendorlux von Fedrigoni inspirieren.
Die Wahl fiel nicht leicht bei insgesamt 46 neuen Artikeln in der Splendorlux-Kollektion, die mit einer Vielzahl an Oberflächen, Formaten, Grammaturen (80 bis 450 g/qm) und Farben speziell für den Luxusverpackungssektor entwickelt wurde. Für unser Cover kam Splendorlux Orange in 350 g/qm zum Einsatz.
Die Gestaltung des Covers übernahm Greco Design aus Belo Horizonte und Gustavo Greco sagt: »Wir haben bei der Gestaltung versucht, Klischees zu vermeiden. Letztlich entschieden wir uns für eine typografische Lösung und verwendeten Wörter, die es nur im brasilianischen Portugiesisch gibt. Diese Wörter sind sehr typisch für das Land und haben keine exakte Entsprechung in anderen Sprachen. Für den Hintergrund haben wir mit Letterpress experimentiert, erst auf den zweiten Blick kann man ein B erkennen.«
Das finden Sie im Heft
Chico Homem de Melo
Casa Rex
André Bergamin
Elefante Project
Blok (IND)
Makebardo (NZL)
Power-nap Over (HKG)
Karl Anders (GER)
Cover-Design: Greco Design (BRA)
Papier: Splendorlux Orange in 350 g/qm von Fedrigoni
Offset-Druck: F&W Druck- und Mediencenter GmbH
En ligne : Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 20886 Novum Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 04.20 - 2020-04-12 Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2020 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Arts graphiques -- Aspect social
Design industriel -- Innovations technologiques
Impression numérique
Innovations technologiques -- Aspect social -- 21e siècle
TypographieIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Note de contenu : Are computer programs replacing designers? Well, not yet at least. But designers can write their own programs and, using these self-made tools, open up new possibilities in design. The cover of our April issue is the result of a fascinating cooperation – it combines moving type with sophisticated printing technology. The design, from Studio Mut, draws on hardware and software, providing one example of what the future might hold.
What does the future hold for typographic design? Our April issue ventures a few answers. In the novum+ section, we present classic type design and also feature a range of projects that show how typography can address political and social problems. The cover, too, puts forward one vision of how typography could develop in the future. The motif came about in a cooperation with Studio Mut and other creatives: Think Work Observe made available the typeface Kunst Grotesk as a pre-release, and Kiel Danger Mutschelknaus developed a program that can be used to generate moving type. Using these components Studio Mut created a motif that draws on software and hardware – digitally generated type skilfully combined with sophisticated print technology.En ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 04.20 - 2020-04-12 [texte imprimé] . - 2020.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Arts graphiques -- Aspect social
Design industriel -- Innovations technologiques
Impression numérique
Innovations technologiques -- Aspect social -- 21e siècle
TypographieIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Note de contenu : Are computer programs replacing designers? Well, not yet at least. But designers can write their own programs and, using these self-made tools, open up new possibilities in design. The cover of our April issue is the result of a fascinating cooperation – it combines moving type with sophisticated printing technology. The design, from Studio Mut, draws on hardware and software, providing one example of what the future might hold.
What does the future hold for typographic design? Our April issue ventures a few answers. In the novum+ section, we present classic type design and also feature a range of projects that show how typography can address political and social problems. The cover, too, puts forward one vision of how typography could develop in the future. The motif came about in a cooperation with Studio Mut and other creatives: Think Work Observe made available the typeface Kunst Grotesk as a pre-release, and Kiel Danger Mutschelknaus developed a program that can be used to generate moving type. Using these components Studio Mut created a motif that draws on software and hardware – digitally generated type skilfully combined with sophisticated print technology.En ligne : Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 24019 Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 05/19 - 2019-03-12 - Typography Special Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2019 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Affiches -- 21e Siècle
Aliments -- Conditionnement
Arts graphiques -- Mise en page et typographie
Caractères d'imprimerie
Composition (industries graphiques)
Livres -- Mise en page
Publicité -- Mise en pages et typographie
Typographie -- 21e siècle
Typographie -- CaractèresIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Note de contenu : The March issue of novum is all about typography: Custom fonts for corporates, quirky creations such as »Typeknitting«, an interview with one of the best contemporary typographers Akira Kobayashi and a kinetic typeface – an exciting line-up for you to explore. In the Showroom section we have expressive illustrations from France, powerful corporate designs from Italy and clever packaging from Brazil – a creative journey of inspiration around the world.
When it comes to choice of paper, our novum+ made it very easy for this issue: The finest typography always looks good, so long as the printer really knows his craft. For our glowing highlights, part of a fantastic artwork by Typejockeys that bring light into this winter month, we selected a bright-white recycling paper.
Typography is ever popular – and never before have there been so many fonts available. What more could we possibly want? We talked about this to Akira Kobayashi, Type Director at Monotype, discussing trends and developments, the weird and the wonderful. We also cast an eye over the new IBM typeface, present a kinetic font, typographic book covers from Anne Jordan and even have a font that helps the forgetful. Creative typesmiths Dinamo shared their latest coups with us and a purely typographical CI from Ragged Edge amazed us all. This and many more typography features in novum+.
The Showroom section is as diverse as it is colourful. French illustrator Aleia Roux delights us with her imaginative worlds and Elefante Project injects a bit of Brazilian fire. The portfolio of nju:communicazione is bursting with inspiration – we bring you the highlights and take a look behind the scenes. We also explore the philosophy behind Studio Build … and of course feature examples of their outstanding work. Last but not least, we present the winners of this year’s poster competition for Kieler Woche – Daniel Wiesmann surprises us with brand new design approaches and ideas.
The cover
The common view that recycling paper is a dirty grey colour and therefore boring has now long since been proven false. Our cover is a clear example of the superb printability of the premium recycling papers now on offer. RecyStar, from Papyrus, is a good example: Available with an uncoated matt finish in 70 to 300 gsm, it’s perfect for flyers and direct mailings as well as cards, notepads, posters, magazines and envelopes.
To ensure perfect production of this purely typographical design from Typejockeys (Vienna), we relied on the skills of Beisner Druck and the global manufacturer of metallic, scratch-off and fluorescent inks, radior.
Alexia Roux (FRA)
Elefante Project (BRA)
nju:comunicazione (ITA)
Studio Build (GBR)
Daniel Wiesmann (GER)
Akira Kobayashi (GER)
Ragged Edge (GBR)
Dinamo (SWI)
Etaoin Shrdlu Studio (ITA)
Anne Jordan (USA)
Kintetic Typeface (GBR)
SansForgetica (GBR)
Typeknitting (SWI)
Design / handlettering: Typejockeys
Paper: RecyStar, hochweiß, 300 g/qm (Papyrus)
Cover print: Beisner Druck
Colours: radior
Photos: Tobias HolzmannEn ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 05/19 - 2019-03-12 - Typography Special [texte imprimé] . - 2019.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Affiches -- 21e Siècle
Aliments -- Conditionnement
Arts graphiques -- Mise en page et typographie
Caractères d'imprimerie
Composition (industries graphiques)
Livres -- Mise en page
Publicité -- Mise en pages et typographie
Typographie -- 21e siècle
Typographie -- CaractèresIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Note de contenu : The March issue of novum is all about typography: Custom fonts for corporates, quirky creations such as »Typeknitting«, an interview with one of the best contemporary typographers Akira Kobayashi and a kinetic typeface – an exciting line-up for you to explore. In the Showroom section we have expressive illustrations from France, powerful corporate designs from Italy and clever packaging from Brazil – a creative journey of inspiration around the world.
When it comes to choice of paper, our novum+ made it very easy for this issue: The finest typography always looks good, so long as the printer really knows his craft. For our glowing highlights, part of a fantastic artwork by Typejockeys that bring light into this winter month, we selected a bright-white recycling paper.
Typography is ever popular – and never before have there been so many fonts available. What more could we possibly want? We talked about this to Akira Kobayashi, Type Director at Monotype, discussing trends and developments, the weird and the wonderful. We also cast an eye over the new IBM typeface, present a kinetic font, typographic book covers from Anne Jordan and even have a font that helps the forgetful. Creative typesmiths Dinamo shared their latest coups with us and a purely typographical CI from Ragged Edge amazed us all. This and many more typography features in novum+.
The Showroom section is as diverse as it is colourful. French illustrator Aleia Roux delights us with her imaginative worlds and Elefante Project injects a bit of Brazilian fire. The portfolio of nju:communicazione is bursting with inspiration – we bring you the highlights and take a look behind the scenes. We also explore the philosophy behind Studio Build … and of course feature examples of their outstanding work. Last but not least, we present the winners of this year’s poster competition for Kieler Woche – Daniel Wiesmann surprises us with brand new design approaches and ideas.
The cover
The common view that recycling paper is a dirty grey colour and therefore boring has now long since been proven false. Our cover is a clear example of the superb printability of the premium recycling papers now on offer. RecyStar, from Papyrus, is a good example: Available with an uncoated matt finish in 70 to 300 gsm, it’s perfect for flyers and direct mailings as well as cards, notepads, posters, magazines and envelopes.
To ensure perfect production of this purely typographical design from Typejockeys (Vienna), we relied on the skills of Beisner Druck and the global manufacturer of metallic, scratch-off and fluorescent inks, radior.
Alexia Roux (FRA)
Elefante Project (BRA)
nju:comunicazione (ITA)
Studio Build (GBR)
Daniel Wiesmann (GER)
Akira Kobayashi (GER)
Ragged Edge (GBR)
Dinamo (SWI)
Etaoin Shrdlu Studio (ITA)
Anne Jordan (USA)
Kintetic Typeface (GBR)
SansForgetica (GBR)
Typeknitting (SWI)
Design / handlettering: Typejockeys
Paper: RecyStar, hochweiß, 300 g/qm (Papyrus)
Cover print: Beisner Druck
Colours: radior
Photos: Tobias HolzmannEn ligne : Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23385 Novum Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 06.17 - 2017-06-12 Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2017 Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Bicyclettes
Femmes -- Dans l'art
Giorgini, Ale
Illustration des livres
Illustrations, images, etc.
Mise en page
Mise en page et typographie
Travail du papier
TypographieIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Résumé : »All about bikes!« That’s the topic of our new issue and we took a closer look at great design projects from all around the world. Beautiful bicycles, brilliant identities, whacky illustrations and great magazines – in this issue design and bike enthusiasts will get their money’s worth. Furthermore we present the winners of the poster contest »100 Beste Plakate«, our author Andreas Koop wonders about the design of Donald Trump’s new wall and we start a new series about »100 years of New Typography«. Our cover is well worth seeing too. A beautiful fine paper in combination with hot foil stamping makes it a real highlight. Note de contenu : Content
All about bikes! :
Bowling (BEL)
Boneshaker Magazine (GBR)
Gianluca Gimini (ITA)
KMS Team (GER)
Bikevibe Magazine (NOR)
Firebelly Design (USA)
Tweed Run
showroom :
Studio Feixen (SWI)
100 Beste Plakate
Ale Giorgini (ITA)
Hochburg (GER)
The New Typography, part 1: 100 years of functional graphic design in Germany
Paper: Gmund Heidi in 330 gsm by Papyrus
Cover design: melville brand design
Print finishing: hot foil stamping, Forum Prägefolien Veredelung
Offset printing: f&w Druck- und Mediencenter
Photos: Dominic BrightonEn ligne : [n° ou bulletin] 06.17 - 2017-06-12 [texte imprimé] . - 2017.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Bicyclettes
Femmes -- Dans l'art
Giorgini, Ale
Illustration des livres
Illustrations, images, etc.
Mise en page
Mise en page et typographie
Travail du papier
TypographieIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Résumé : »All about bikes!« That’s the topic of our new issue and we took a closer look at great design projects from all around the world. Beautiful bicycles, brilliant identities, whacky illustrations and great magazines – in this issue design and bike enthusiasts will get their money’s worth. Furthermore we present the winners of the poster contest »100 Beste Plakate«, our author Andreas Koop wonders about the design of Donald Trump’s new wall and we start a new series about »100 years of New Typography«. Our cover is well worth seeing too. A beautiful fine paper in combination with hot foil stamping makes it a real highlight. Note de contenu : Content
All about bikes! :
Bowling (BEL)
Boneshaker Magazine (GBR)
Gianluca Gimini (ITA)
KMS Team (GER)
Bikevibe Magazine (NOR)
Firebelly Design (USA)
Tweed Run
showroom :
Studio Feixen (SWI)
100 Beste Plakate
Ale Giorgini (ITA)
Hochburg (GER)
The New Typography, part 1: 100 years of functional graphic design in Germany
Paper: Gmund Heidi in 330 gsm by Papyrus
Cover design: melville brand design
Print finishing: hot foil stamping, Forum Prägefolien Veredelung
Offset printing: f&w Druck- und Mediencenter
Photos: Dominic BrightonEn ligne : Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 21396 Novum Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible
[n° ou bulletin]
Titre : 06.19 - 2019-06-12 Type de document : texte imprimé Année de publication : 2019 Importance : 82 p. Présentation : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. Format : 30 cm Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng) Catégories : Installations (art)
Travail du papier
TypographieIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Résumé :
Curtains up for set designers from all around the world. No matter if they are made out of paper or flowers or on the computer – we present set designs that are stunning and inspiring. On our cover you can see a brand new semi-transparent foil in two different colours.
And the smooth fine paper Pergraphica lends a sensual touch to a beautiful art work by Jacob Reischel.
In our showroom we take you on a journey to studios and designer in Austria, Italy, Mexico and the Netherlands as well the US.Note de contenu :
Articles sur :
Papier et production, Sylvia Lerch - Elisabetta Bongiorni (ITA) - A.P.Bio Design (UDA) - Six N. Five (ESP) - Hattie Newman (GBR) - Jonathan Knowles (GBR) - Akatre (FRA) - Vallée Duhamel (CAN) - Nicole Genoni (ITA)En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : [n° ou bulletin] 06.19 - 2019-06-12 [texte imprimé] . - 2019 . - 82 p. : ill. en coul., couv. ill. en coul. ; 30 cm.
Langues : Allemand (ger) Anglais (eng)
Catégories : Installations (art)
Travail du papier
TypographieIndex. décimale : 766 Arts graphiques Résumé :
Curtains up for set designers from all around the world. No matter if they are made out of paper or flowers or on the computer – we present set designs that are stunning and inspiring. On our cover you can see a brand new semi-transparent foil in two different colours.
And the smooth fine paper Pergraphica lends a sensual touch to a beautiful art work by Jacob Reischel.
In our showroom we take you on a journey to studios and designer in Austria, Italy, Mexico and the Netherlands as well the US.Note de contenu :
Articles sur :
Papier et production, Sylvia Lerch - Elisabetta Bongiorni (ITA) - A.P.Bio Design (UDA) - Six N. Five (ESP) - Hattie Newman (GBR) - Jonathan Knowles (GBR) - Akatre (FRA) - Vallée Duhamel (CAN) - Nicole Genoni (ITA)En ligne : Format de la ressource électronique : Réservation
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Code-barres Cote Support Localisation Section Disponibilité SL 23662 NOVUM Fascicule ESA Saint-Luc Beaux-Arts - Biblio Disponible PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkUne introdution à l'histoire du livre et de la lecture : Du manuscrit à l'ère électronique / Jean-François Gilmont
PermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkPermalinkN°93 - 1985-10-01 - Bougeon : Les yeux d'étain de la ville glauque : Les Compagnons du crépuscule (Bulletin de (À suivre))
Permalinkno239(2017:sept./oct.) - 2017-09-01 - Design & algorithmes. Adrien M & Claire B. Radim Pesko. 5.5 Designers. Tokyo (Bulletin de Étapes)
Permalinkno245(2018:septembre-octobre) - 2018-09-01 - Art contemporain. Palais de Justice. Une saison graphique, ED Awards, The Rodina, Plaid, Montréal (Bulletin de Étapes)