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Container & Prefab guide / Anna Minguet
Titre : Container & Prefab guide : Versatility, Mobility and Resistance Type de document : texte imprimé Auteurs : Anna Minguet, Directeur de publication, rédacteur en chef Editeur : Sant Adrià de Besós, Barcelone : Monsa Publications Année de publication : 2022 Importance : 1 vol. (141p.) Présentation : ill. en noir et blanc, ill. en coul., plans, photogr. Format : 18x24 cm ISBN/ISSN/EAN : 978-84-17557-58-4 Langues : Anglais (eng) Espagnol (spa) Catégories : Construction modulaire
Conteneurs -- Aménagement
Maisons préfabriquées
Remplois (architecture)Index. décimale : 747.87 Architecture d'intérieur - "Non standard" Résumé :
The latest trend in architecture is to try to find a balance between construction and well-being, applying renewable energies and seeking low costs, without renouncing comfort.
The construction of houses from containers or prefabricated modules is the basis of creative reuse architecture, which is an innovative and efficient alternative to traditional construction when choosing a home, thanks to its versatility and ability to be adapted to the space needs of each person, by expanding or reducing modules, mobility and ease of transportation to new areas, and reduced construction times.
It is a great option for sustainable, economical and durable living.
This book includes 14 selected projects, all developed at a graphic level, with images of the exterior and interior, plans, elevations, sections, construction details and a brief report specifying the most unique aspects of the project.Container & Prefab guide : Versatility, Mobility and Resistance [texte imprimé] / Anna Minguet, Directeur de publication, rédacteur en chef . - Sant Adrià de Besós, Barcelone : Monsa Publications, 2022 . - 1 vol. (141p.) : ill. en noir et blanc, ill. en coul., plans, photogr. ; 18x24 cm.
ISBN : 978-84-17557-58-4
Langues : Anglais (eng) Espagnol (spa)
Catégories : Construction modulaire
Conteneurs -- Aménagement
Maisons préfabriquées
Remplois (architecture)Index. décimale : 747.87 Architecture d'intérieur - "Non standard" Résumé :
The latest trend in architecture is to try to find a balance between construction and well-being, applying renewable energies and seeking low costs, without renouncing comfort.
The construction of houses from containers or prefabricated modules is the basis of creative reuse architecture, which is an innovative and efficient alternative to traditional construction when choosing a home, thanks to its versatility and ability to be adapted to the space needs of each person, by expanding or reducing modules, mobility and ease of transportation to new areas, and reduced construction times.
It is a great option for sustainable, economical and durable living.
This book includes 14 selected projects, all developed at a graphic level, with images of the exterior and interior, plans, elevations, sections, construction details and a brief report specifying the most unique aspects of the project.Réservation
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